Chapter 13

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A troop of a thousand soldiers was walking uniformly out of the city gate attracting countless bystanders standing at the side and perking up their head in astonishment. Although a thousand soldiers were not a big number, it was still a rare sight to witnessed such military procession since Jin Sheng was a relatively peaceful country that hadn't involved in warfare for so many years.

However, the center of attention was not this parade but in fact the person who mounting a sturdy black horse at the very front of the troop. He was clad in iron armor covering his sturdy and majestic figure. His chiseled handsome face wore a rather bored expression but his phoenix shaped eyes was cold and ruthless making others who met those dark piercing gaze trembled in fear and amazement. When the procession had successfully passed through the gate, the people around resumed the original activities.

Wang Cheng was mounting his horse leading the troop with calm and vigilant posture, but inwardly he was worried sick about the youth that was walking behind him. Since he disguised himself as a small commander, he could not openly bring anyone along so he dressed Xingfu as one of the soldiers.

After one hour of trekking, Wang Cheng told everyone to rest. The group of soldier was baffled looking at their commander with undisguised confused expression. This new commander was really weird. They were foot soldier walking thousands of miles to the battle field and now he told them to rest after one hour of walking?

Before they could recover from their shock, the command had already dismounted his horse and walk toward a small soldier. Calling him a small soldier was not an understatement but he was really small like a bean sprout. Moreover, he kept walking with his face down and his posture was also not dignified like a soldier. But everyone was again shock when they caught a glimpse of his jade like face when he looked up as the commander approaching him. But when the commander turned his head and looked at them with killing intent, the group of poor soldiers jump in fright and quickly scattered to different directions wondering what had they done wrong.

Wang Cheng turn back to Xingfu, his eyes were full of worries. He probed Xingfu shoulders and turn him to left and right doing a full body check. After making sure Xingfu did not have any injury he finally relaxed. He used his sleeve to wipe the large beads of sweat on the young man forehead and asked, "Tired?"

Xingfu shook his head. Seeing Wang Cheng worried expression he felt his chest grew warm. "I am not that weak. Do you forget that I live on the mountain? i hike through the mountain everyday looking for medicinal herb. This is nothing."

"But this time you are wearing an armor." Wang Cheng again furrowed his eyebrows.

In fact, the armor really did make him feel a bit uncomfortable but Xingfu dared not to voice it out. "I am fine. I am a man after all." 

Wang Cheng looked at Xingfu with observant eyes, he knew Xingfu would always be Xingfu. No matter what, he would not take the initiate to trouble him. He could only sigh helplessly. He wanted Xingfu to relied on him more but this kind of thing took time and trust so he could only wait.

Thinking about the matter of trust, Wang Cheng once again deeply regretted his action back then. What would Xingfu do if one day he knew that he had been deceived this whole time? Will he despise him? Will he leave him? Either ways he knew  he would not be able to bear the consequences. He was never afraid of anything (ehem except Wang Zhuang) even when he had to face flying swords and arrows on the battle field. He thought he was numbed to fear; not even death could frighten him. But for the first in so many years, he tasted fear.

Wang Cheng got rid of the unnecessary thought. He will let the future him handle the future consequence. Right now he should focus on cultivating the feeling between him and Xingfu.

"Do you know how to ride horse?"

Xingfu shook his head.

"Then let's ride together. When we get back I will teach you how ride horse."

Xingfu quickly nodded his head in agreement. Today, Seeing Wang Cheng looking so dignified on the back of the horse like a prince, he felt astonished but also a little jealous. He, like any other men, had dreamt of riding horse and wielding sword. Who wouldn't want to look heroic? 

Then he remembered that he was a soldier right now. What would others think if he rode with the commander?

Wang Cheng noticed the sudden change in his expression, he appeased Xingfu, "Don't worry too much about unnecessary thing. I know how to handle it. By tomorrow, we will arrive at Dayung province. Do you know what are they famous for?"

Xingfu obediently listened to Wang Cheng and threw the worry to the back of his mind. He quickly answered the question, "I read it in the book. Dayung is well known for their natural hot spring. The spring is produced from the underground water. It seeped from the earth's crust little by little and produce springs. It also has therapeutic effect."

"Very good."

Wang Cheng lips curved into a smile. He lightly patted Xingfu head and gave him approving look like a teacher who satisfied with the student's answer. And Xingfu did not disappoint him he gave Wang Cheng a proud smile causing him to laugh out heartily. Both of them were in their own world ignoring all the weird look from other soldiers.



- The location and history in this story are all fake. Forgot to mention it. (ノ_-;)…

- 'I'll let tomorrow me handle tomorrow problem.' My favorite phrase from Saitama.

- Dayung is actually my favorite milk tea brand. ( ̄∇ ̄)

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