Chapter 1: Edited

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Zayn's POV
16 years ago

"Harry, how many times I told you that she is just for show. I have to keep her beside so that I can keep our industries working." I said. We are here again arguing about her again.

"If she is fake then why would you sleep with her? I did believe when you said that she is just a fake before. Coz I thought you have no feelings for her and also you didn't enjoy staying out late. But just one night you are out there and this happens. I should have known better about you, Zayn. I should have. And I shouldn't believe you from the very first time." Harry screamed and keep packing his stuff. His suitcase continued to fill up with clothes after clothes.

"Harry, stop packing. I did that because I was too drunk to even recognise who she was. I thought I am with you." I said but I know I did it again, lies. I did drink that night but not too drunk to forget who I am with. I clearly remember her but I don't know why did I do that at first place.

"Stop lying, Zayn. I am too feed up with it. I think we need to take a break. I can't be here holding behind that fake girl. Did you even know why I am getting skinner? Did you even know that I am having eating disorder because of being your sick lies. I am tired of being in this living hell, Zayn. Please, just let me go." He said already packing up all the stuff. He glances me back with his glassy green eyes filled with tears.

"For the very last time, Zayn I have loved you." He said getting out of my tight grip as he pick up his bags and went out of the apartment, leaving me behind.

I stand there gawking the door he left and keep thinking what I have really done to him. I hurt him. I take advantages of him and leaving him alone while I am having so much fun out there. I will never gonna fix this again.

Then I run out of the apartment to look for him but I was too late. It's been hour and he would be far away from here. Now I did lose the love of my life. I am sure that I can't win him back now.

^^ Present ^^

"Dustin, haven't you find him yet? Are you even doing this properly?" I yelled through the hall so loud that even everyone in this building might heard. But I don't care I am the boss here.

"I'm sorry, sir. He cut all the contact with everyone and he also change the phone number so it is hard for me to find. But I am trying to reach out, sir." He said. I know he is trying his best. I have been pressuring him a lot just for my satisfaction. The satisfaction to find Harry back.

"Try it again and even if you need to flip the world, do it. I need you to find him as soon as possible." I said and he replied me as yes sir and turn back to get on his work.

I am now exiting the building as the clock shows time to get back home. I have got a long day with meetings after meetings and I need to get back home right now. Even through I don't have someone waiting me at home. I don't have someone to kiss my cheeks and said "Hey, you are home now. Leave the stress at the work or I can do it for you." It's been 16 years but I can't get over him and move on.

There standing in front of me is Paul, my personal assistant, with a car key in his hand.
"Bye, Paul. See you tomorrow." I said to him and get into my car. Before I get in he said, "You can call me whenever something's up. Bye." That's why he is amazing. He is more than assistant for me and more like family.

Getting back home and taking a warm shower is what I need now. I always did this just to clear my mind. I feel dizzy whenever Dustin's face popped up into my office coz he is there just to inform me he didn't find him yet.

Ugh.. the heavy traffic is making me frustrate enough.

I just pull the brake as hard as I can as the traffic light shows the red color. I was just about to drive through it but one thing stops me completely. Not the traffic light but one thing. My eyes follow the steps he take as he cross the road. The heavy breeze just run through the space between me and him as the long and curly hair of his flew away from his face showing his perfect illusion.

"Harry!? "

Coincidences bring us together like the first time we met.

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