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Harry's POV

What is he doing? I know he is full of surprised that I can't even know how much he surprised me. I follow him to the front of the door as the ones he refers are already there in the house.

There's two men there as he introduced them as a "Harry, they are Dubby and your personal bodyguard."

What!? That's all I can think right now.

"I'm Johnson. I'm Hayley." They introduced themselves.

"Johnson and Hayley, that's so simple. I don't like the idea of having someone behind me but still I like it."

"You won't be able to notice us." They said okay that's is pretty weird.

Then they excused us leaving me still new to this situation. "You are getting us bodyguard?"

"Oh, baby, can't you still recall what we just face?"

"But-" before I even spit out a word, "Go on prepare for day out baby, we have lots of things to do."

"Where are we going?!"

"You will figure out soon." He leave the room leaving me all alone trying to figure out what. Again surprises I don't like them. They somehow leave me in the new situation behind. The unfamiliar one.

I went up to Dubby's room to inform her about the taking out. Then, I decided to change my outfit, too. When I am about to walk into our room, I heard him talking.

"Ryan, is everything ready?"

"Okay, I will be there at the evening so get ready all the things I want." I got into the room because even if I eardrop it I won't be able to know what they are talking.

He saw me and give me a warm smile which I return him back. Zayn never shared his things before. I tried to change it I mean our relationship wouldn't if he won't let me know everything. If he won't let me get into his world while I let him know all mines and already let him in. Sometimes he is hard to understand.

After he hang up the phone, "Bae, get ready we would be leaving next 30 minutes."

I just nodded and let myself change and get ready for the day out. When I came out Dubby is already there talking with his dad. I find them so lovable that I have been waiting for this.

"Stop that fatherly moment, I think you are rushing me last minutes." I spoke up pretended to be jealous about their moment.

"Look someone got jealous of us."
Zayn said with wide smile. Dubby and him then whispered for a little bit then leave the penthouse.

I quickly follow them to the basement. I saw them choosing a car for today ride. He is just spoilting Dubby that now she becomes like rich spoilt Daddy's girl.

Then they finally decided to chose the sport car. I get into the passenger seat and Dubby is in the back seat.
"Zayn, where are we going?"

"Ba-Harry calm down. We'll see when we get there." He tried to call me bae which is really rare for Dubby.

On the way to somewhere, his phone ring indicating someone just called him several times before.
"Hello," He said. After a bit more minutes.

"Book it for next couple of week. We will pick the date soon" he turned up to me and smile. What this smile means? Then soon he end up the call.

"Who's that?" I asked as I can't stop my curious mind.

"Niall, he wants our wedding to hold in his restaurant. Is it okay for you?"

"Why not? But you said it would be in two weeks?"

"Harry, I want to spend every second of the rest of my life with you two." I can't help but kiss him. First minute we are avoiding the name calls in front of Dubby and now we are kissing in front of her. Weird! But I can't help it.

"Here we are!" Zayn said as I gazed toward his eyes and see the big building says Wedding Dress and Accessories.

"So, you already plan this thing?" He just chuckled and take me and Dubby hands and lead us in.

The store is full of beautiful wedding dresses and the suits. When we about to get into the store more, someone comes and greet to us.
"Zayn, nice to meet you."

"Hey, Sofia, this is my husband, Harry Styles and this is my daughter, Dubia Malik." She shakes my hand with a little not disagree which I feel that something is wrong with her. But the way she looks at my husband is really different.

"Sofia, I want some suit for me and my husband and the dress for Dubby." She said of course with her hands touching my husband's shoulder. My jaw clenched at the side of this. Then the assistant of her show Dubby some dress while me and Zayn follow her.

Then again that girl makes her hand all the way to Zayn again as he now untiring the tie. That is enough to piss me off. No one can have what is mine.

"Daddy Zayn can you just pick some dress for me. They are so beautiful that I don't know what to pick."

"Okay, princess. I am coming." With that Zayn leave the room. It's now or never Harry do this.

"Umm...Sofia, right?"

"Yes." She say so smart but wait for a while that she can't be smart anymore.

"I am not the normal one to fight against woman but I won't stand here see you getting your hands on my finance. I think if we pick the dresses from your store I am pretty sure that you all will get a lot of money in a split second. But if you keep doing this things on my finance I can change the store any minutes that there are a lot of perfect stores in this whole LA. So be wise and pick the best thing for you and me."

Then we heard Zayn heavy steps back to this way so she ended up saying, "I am sorry. I won't let this happen again." That is in time that Zayn got back. He said, "Is there something I missed out?"

I smile and said "Of course not, we are just discussing about the theme and the dress. Everything is fine. Did Dubby got the one she wants?"

"Yeah... She just make this decision really difficult." We chuckled and continue our dresses.

We all got out with bags in our hands as we got the dresses and also the accessories. We confirmed that we would take Niall's restraunt and already booked by Ryan in one of the Zayn's hotel in the town so everything is sorted out so we are leaving back to home.

Zayn's phone vibrated and he pick up as his face light up when he saw the caller ID.

"Do you got it?" What to get?

"Okay." Then hung up the phone.

"I think our wedding is gonna be the perfect one. I always wanted to give the world to you two. Dubby, I will teach you how to swim at Havana."

"When did you learn it?....Wait a minute did you just say Havana??" I and Dubby look at one another and back to Zayn.

"We are going to Havana as a honeymoon trip."

"Yaaay. I have always wanted to go to Havana." Dubby screamed out I know she would be the happiest one.

I hug Zayn and kiss him on the cheeks again.
"But one thing is boys are going together with us. Niall threatened me to take them when I said No he said he won't do the Champaign part in the wedding. So I have not much choices there. They are going to be third wheel there." He said with a frown.

"This is gonna be fun I just have to take a break from you guys doing all the romantic stuffs so I need my Uncles." Dubby said.

"Now you are already abdonded us are you?" Zayn said tickling Dubby. Then the laughter erupted the entire house.

We all started with just a little coincidence that makes us together and become who we are today now. We have passed a lot of laughter, pains, tears and awful years being without each other. But at the end, we all are meant to bond back into a family that we can smile back and full with laugh back over everything. Now the one and only thing in the world that I wish I would never lose again is the


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