146 10 3

August 27

10:00 am JPN Standard Time

"Yeeeey!!!! We're finally here!!!" Suzuki fidgeted on her seat as they were landing onto the ramp of Japan Airlines. It's been three years since she last came here. Three years since she lived here.. Three years..

"Suzuki, calm down!" Masako scolded her daughter as Gene just chuckled.

"You know she's just excited to see her cousins Masako.." Gene said to his wife and Masako sighed.

"Still. She's a lady.." She huffed and Gene just chuckled and ruffled her hair.

"You guys act like you're young.. It doesn't suit you guys.." Naru suddenly chimed in with a sleeping Mai on his shoulder. Gene just stuck out his tongue and Naru rolled his eyes.

"So childish. Masako, how can you deal with him??" Naru asked sarcastically and Masako just smiled. She knew how much Naru loved his brother, such a tsundere..

"Tsuntsun Naru" Mai said as soon as she opened her eyes and Naru blushed a bit. She chuckled and kissed him on the cheek. Since they were first class they were the first ones to get off the plane. Naru had prepared all the passports for the counter and all of them finally felt the cold air that nipped at their skin. It was almost September and Christmas was just around the corner.

"Mom! Dad!" Someone called for them and they were suddenly engulfed by two of their bundles of Joy. One with brown hair and the other one with black hair.

"Sola, Luna.. I missed you both.." Mai said as she hugged them back. You could see the love showering over them as the twins snuggled against their mother. Sola was a little taller than his mom while Luna reached up to her shoulder.

"Mom.. We missed you too.." Sola said and Luna cried in Mai's arms. Luna thought about her dream.. Thought about the experiences she's had without them. It was only a week that they were gone but Luna had so much tension in her body.

'Luna..' A sinister voice called out to her and she trembled in fear. She felt suffocated by the amount of dark energy that voice exuded.

"H-help.." She whispered in between her breaths and Mai heard it. Mai felt her daughter trembling in fear of something. What it was Mai didn't know.

"What's wrong Luna?" Sola asked, holding her sister's hand. Suddenly, Luna fainted into Sola's arms..

"Naru!" Mai shouted as they all ran towards the car, earning some nasty snares from bystanders. Luna went pale cold and they didn't know what to do.

"Mai, let me through.." Gene said as he put his hand on Luna's forehead. And then he suddenly disappeared from their sight. Suzuki was in utter shock and Masako just shook her head. Sola was worrying for his little sister.

"Lu.. Please be okay.. Lu.." He said as he clutched his sister's ice cold hand. She was still breathing but it was all too shallow. He felt like he was going to lose his sister any second now but he knew that his uncle Gene would push through somehow.

"Help!!!!!" Luna shouted as she was being pulled inside a black hole. She didn't know what awaited inside it and even if she did she knew it wasn't something that would do her good.

"Sola!!!! Help me!!! Please!" she said as she was slowly engulfed by the darkness. She felt the cold air hip her skin as the bottom of the hole she was falling into looked infinite.

"Mama!! Papa!!! Sola!!!!" She shouted with all her might as she continued falling with what looked like the depths of hell.

"Kikiki.. A beautiful maiden thou shall be drenched in crimson, O cursed spite.. Time is out of joint, Alas I thee shall weep, over the crimson maiden bathed in her own.. A fair maiden made for this purpose.. Thou shall remember this.. For your life is within thy hands.. And for the hour of untimely doom is upon.. Those who seek.. Thy desire.. Kikiki" a velvety voice said and she felt numb. Like she was in a world where you don't think, feel or see anything..

"Luna!" A faint voice called out to her.

"Luna!!!!!" A hand appeared in front of her and she held her vacant eyes blinded by the light.

Her eyes jolted open and she saw that she was on the lap of Sola.

"S-Sola.." She said but he was shocked. Her uncle Gene looked like he failed everyone. She stood up and saw her pure black hair.. Her black hair had strands of red coloured onto it.

"I'm sorry Naru, Mai.. I did the best I could.. But when I heard the spell.. I couldn't speak.. I couldn't move.. I'm sorry Luna.. I'm sorry.." Her uncle cried as though he had been blamed for the biggest sin ever. Her aunt Masako had started to comfort him.

"It's okay Gene.. I won't blame you.." Her dad said and pulled you into a hug. You heard snipping noises and you saw your dad holding onto one of the cuts of red strand.

"What are you gonna do with that papa?" She was frightened by what was happening to her.

"Nothing dear.." He said and kissed her forehead. Luna was still frightened by what she saw.. A woman.. In clothes darker than the darkest pits.. As she chanted some sort of spell she felt her whole body froze up. She felt heat searing her whole body like she was bathing in hot thick lava.

She didn't know what to do back then. She didn't know how she was supposed to react.

"Luna.. Are you okay?" Sola asked as Suzuki was behind him. Luna hugged Suzuki and she hushed Luna down.

"There, there.." She said as she touched Luna's head. Suddenly, she saw the weirdest thing that wasn't supposed to be there.

'Suzuki.. What's wrong?' Suzui said inside her head. Suzuki shook her head as smiled at Luna.

"It's all going to be alright Luna.." Suzuki said and she was certain.

A woman clad in the darkest midnight black clothes is coming after her.

Who it was, they didn't know. One thing is for certain. They were all going to be in danger if they didn't figure out who was targeting Luna.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25 ⏰

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