Chapter one: slave girl and the big guy

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While Alex was done with his little " show "
He was following Naofumi in secret as everything for the guy didn't help since he was now called a criminal or rapist from a lie

" poor guy..."

Before he can do anything a flash of memory hits him like a truck showing a familiar women holding a fan with a gem just smiling as he can hear her voice call him out

Before he can do anything a flash of memory hits him like a truck showing a familiar women holding a fan with a gem just smiling as he can hear her voice call him out

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" Alex~ you sure~? You don't want to dual~ "

Before he can respond he stops his hand from grabbing out the air as he stood still before deciding to climb up the wall of the building to watch naofumi and the blacksmith talk

As they were talking and the blacksmith helping the shield by throwing him some clothes, he looked up to notice Alex just sitting there watching him as one person passes by blocking view of Alex, he vanished like the avatar

Alex had left to find himself some peace and trying to remember the women who voice hunts him in the head

As the 2 days pass by Alex was watching naofumi from far as he kept criminals and slave hunters from finding him for his head

But naofumi was just suffering as he couldn't level up enough to even get to 3

By tonight Alex left to get some information about the princess and king by going stealthy around the castle avoiding guards as he looks over a window looking at the spear hero leaving as the princess was walking away smiling evilly looking at her father

" where is the shield hero "

" outside the kingdom walls father but from what I heard the blacklight hero is still unknown and had took out most of our guards with ease as the other 3 heroes worry that he the only real threat there is "

The king grunts in anger holding his rob and walks away as the princess as well walks away yelling the spear hero name

Leaving Alex just broke through the wall causing some noises leaving a note to scare the " Guest " as he left to find Naofumi bringing him to the slave trader entering to see naofumi

" I made up my mind.... I'll take her "

Alex jump down scaring the shield and slave trader as he looks up to see the small raccoon child as the shield looks ready to fight

" calm down I'm not here to fight besides "

His entire body gets covered in armor quickly as he looks at him before it disappears back to his normal clothes

" you wouldn't stand a chance "

The shield relaxed himself as the slave trader took the girl out as they talk to a certain part of the tent to make the pact

Naofumi awkward tone
" so... what brings you here...."

Alex causal tone
" nothing, just came to check up, "

Naofumi still awkward
" right... so where did you went after what happen back there "

" I left then I decided to follow you to keep an eye on you "

Naofumi looking at him both in confusion and in anger as he remembered that he was struggling to even survive to get food or water

" I can't help you cause even so you need to learn how to work hard to survive out here like I did "

Naofumi just scoffed as the slave trader stopped him as he brings a knife some ink

Slave trader still smiling
" now cut your finger drop some blood into the ink and I'll do the rest "

Alex just watching as he ate a stolen apple as shield cuts his finger drops a bit of blood into the ink before the slave trader used the ink to repaint the symbol on the small one chest

As they were done the three walk out as Alex was already getting ready to leave until shield stops him a bit

" you know it creepy to watch someone from afar "

Alex just laughs
" don't worry at least someone knows the truth don't I "

They both shake hands as they part ways but in the shadows someone was watching before disappearing into the darkness

To be continued

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