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Previously on A New Hope

The look she gave them was one a little girl her should never have. It was a look that says she saw things, done things, heard things kids shouldn't have and she's aged in her mental state while her physical state it's still give years old Hoseok looked at the floor and tears up a little Jin saw this and hugged the usually bright man patting his head affectionately while rubbing his back "It's going to be alright. Shhh~ it's alright Hyung's here." Jun said softly trying to calm the crying man down "Serendipity looks like she been through things a girl like her shouldn't have. Wait! Serendipity! Isn't that name familiar?" Hoseok asked "It's the the name of the song I wrote for Jimin before we became a gang. When we still were aiming to be idols." Namjoon said from behind them they turned and looked at the man with matching sullen faces "Yeah.... That was it." Hoseok said looking down at his feet. It became quiet "You know you guys shouldn't frown you're to handsome to frown." Serendipity's voice said the all looked at the bar island like thing(You know where people eat at in sports bars or whatever. We have one of those in my house.) to see the five year old staring at them "There's no need to be sad. I'll make you happy again." Serendipity smiled completely shedding her cold facade in turn for her true nature "What do you mean?" Namjoon asked "I mean I'm not going to leave you. I don't wanna and I won't not while you're unhappy." Chisaki said smiling "Bu-" Jin started, but was cut off by the hybrid girl "No buts about it. You guys aren't happy with your life and from what I heard this isn't what you wanted." Chisaki said completely straight faced.


Now on A New Hope

3rd pov

All the grown men started at the five year hybrid with an incredulous look having never heard a child her she speak in such an adult like and sophisticated way. Yoongi walked into the kitchen rubbing his eyes and yawning "What's going on here?" Yoongi asked feeling the tense atmosphere and looking between the boys and the little girl "What's happening is that you guys aren't happy like this." Chisaki said Yoongi glared at the young girl "What do you know? You don't know anything about us!" The second eldest man snarled at Chisaki the younger girl looked up at Yoongi with a blank look. Chisaki sighed and shook her head as the Maknae line came in with Kunhi Chisaki got up and stood on the bar making sure all eyes on her "Listen hyungs I may not know what's your reasons and why your aren't able to follow your dreams, but I'll be damned if I let you give up on them!" Chisaki snarled "Why? You don't know us!!" J-hope hissed at the multinational child "I-" Chisaki began, but was cut off "No! You don't understand what we've been through!! You've been spoiled all your dumb little life! You don't understand what we wanted to accomplish because you get everything you've ever wanted don't you?!?! Huh?!?! You spoiled little-" Yoongi yelled, but was cut off by Chisaki's loud voice overpowering his "SHUT UP!!! JUST! SHUT!!! UP!!!" Chisaki yelled.

It went silent Jin tried to say something to set the brat straight, but Chisaki wouldn't give any of them the chance to talk "No! Shut. Up. You don't deserve to speak! I don't care if you before me as disrespectful. I don't care if you tell, scream, glare, threaten, or even try hit me I don't care!!!! You say I don't know what you've been through I don't, but you don't know all I've been through on not spoiled, I'm not a brat, AND I DON'T NEED YOU TO FUCKING YELL AT ME!! I AM NOT A BABY!!!!! I can help if you let me." Chisaki said Namjoon sighed and the hyung line glared at the child who gave a harsh glare back. The hyung line left the kitchen leaving a shook Maknae line and two little children.

1st pov

I looked down after the hyung line left the kitchen I could feel the Maknae lines eyes staring through my skull "What the hell was that?" Jungkook asked glaring at me and I could feel the glare grow stronger as I stayed silent "You really are a brat." Jungkook said walking away "Jungkook!" Jimin said "I'm sorry hyung, but I agree." Taehyung said following Jungkook "Taehyung!" Jimin called out. I knew he agreed I read his facial expressions he agreed with them and he hates me too, but he got some reason doesn't want to be rude. I looked at my brother to see him shaking his head then, Jimin walked away with my brother both hating me I look down feeling a feeling I've never felt before my eyes burned and my throat felt like it was closing I swallowed hoping the feeling would go away, but it seemed to make things worse I got up and ran away feeling something fall off of my head taking some of my hair with it, but I kept running to the front door slamming it open and running away. I kept running not knowing where I was going it began to rain as I stopped running and fell to my knees felling a warm wet substance slide down my face it felt different than the rain turns out I was crying.

A New Hope(Gang BTS x child hybrid reader X Gang Got7)Where stories live. Discover now