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The above picture is of Hannah!!Hey, thanks for giving my story a chance

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The above picture is of Hannah!!
Hey, thanks for giving my story a chance.Hope you all like it ;)

'Stop' I yelled as the kicking and punching was really hurting me.

'No, you stupid Bitch, have you ever looked at yourself, you ugly bitch. You deserve this, the pain, the insults. Why don't you do us all a favour and go die' Rosy yelled?

She has told me to die 344 times including right now. I don't why she hates me this much.
I try to stand up as tears covered my vision.

'You are strong, you are strong, you are strong' I slowly whispered to myself as they all laughed and left me as they always do.

I get it I am not the most attractive person. I have my stupid curly hair which I hate so much and it's one of my biggest insecurity.
People used to put their gum in my hair.
They used to compare it with things like broom, noodles
My friends used to make fun of it which used really hurt me.
It's not easy when you get called ugly every day at your face.

And then there is my best friend the most attractive girl in the whole school
She is everybody's dream.
Her only flaw is that she hangs out with me a.k.a the ugliest girl of the school.

I open the door of the cafeteria and few heads turn to me they looked at me disgusted. Gee people chill. I see my best friend sitting in the back.

'Hey' I smiled at her.

'WHAT THE heck Nass' she screamed at me.

'What' I looked at her dumbfounded

'Who did that to you Han' she asked angrily her face was red

'Did what' I ask which only made her angrier.

'Han you have a purple eye your lip is busted your clothes are dirty you been crying your eyes are red and all you can say is did what. Look at you, you are better than this Han. Ask for help baby' she replies looking at me hopefully.

'NO' I reply.

'WHY' she screamed at me again.

Because our principle is a monster what do you think ha I did not ask for help because I am scared.NO, because our so-called principle will again...
I want to scream at her tell her but I can't.

'Because I am scared' I answered quietly feeling ashamed of myself I sank into my seat and focused on my food.

'OkAy so be scared keep running away keep fucking cutting yourself. I have seen your cuts, Han. I am not stupid. How long Han huh how fuking long are you gonna do this yourself you are just being selfish. You know what I AM scared of, I AM SCARED OF FUCKING LOSING YOU' she screamed and ran away crying.

I saw some guys running after her before giving me the 'I will kill you look'.

I finished my lunch fast and went to the school's backwards to take some pictures
. The only thing I am good at. I take out my camera only for it to be snatched away. By one and only Rosy.

'ROSY give the camera back' I told her angrily.

'You want it then take it' She replied in the sweetest voice ever. Then threw my camera at the wall and it shattered to pieces.

NOH! That was the camera my father gave me after so much begging after Rosy's ex-boyfriend broke my previous camera. It was very pricey. What will I say to my father?

Guess what I did, I ran. As fast as I can I am so stupid why did I take my camera out in school. Why did I ran away and didn't kill her right there? Why?? I am really worthless. I am-

'Ouch,' I winced as I crashed with a person and it took me flying back.

'Hey hey easy there' it answer while holding me by the waist and steading me.

I looked up to see the ocean. Wait what oh it's just some eyes. He's cute.

'Are you done with the staring' he asked me in the most boring voice ever then dropped me.

Ouch, that wasn't necessary. Of course, why will anyone help me? Everybody is the same. Doesn't matter if it's Rosy or this ocean right here.

'Hey I am so sorry did my friend over here hurt you' Sam asked.

Meet Sam Shestak. The most amazing boy in our school. He is good at everything looks, grades, studies. I wish I could be like him.

'Yea I am okay' I whispered.

'Sam can we go now' the ocean asked  while looking at me up and down.

'Nah boy you will say sorry to her for hurting her' Sam said to the ocean while looking at me worryingly.

'Yeah, nice joke' he faked laughed and took out a packet of cigarettes. He put one in his mouth, before going another way.

'I am so sorry again do you need some help look like you been cryin' he asked looking at me so delicately as if I will break any second.

'Nah I am good thanks for the help by the way' I said looking down I am not so good with boys.

'Okay I will leave bye take care hun' he said before running after ocean.

I think I just melted.

That was a day to remember.

My camera.OH NO!


We were all called in the assembly


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