Eddie's Teddy

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Fran walked to where her father was with Riff and Brad. Frank whipped Riff.

"Ow! Mercy!"

"What happened!? I said you were to be watching!"

"I turned my head for a second then he was gone! I'm sorry master."

"What's going on here?" Fran asked.

"Rocky is lost, that poor lost lamb, it's all Riff Raff's fault! Go to bed sweetheart, this is none of your concern."

Fran sighed.

"Yeah, uh...no."

Frank gave her a very stern look, she knew all too well.

"What did you say to me Francesca N Furter!?"

"Uh oh, you're in for it now Fran," Brad said.

"What are gonna do, kill me like you did Eddie!?"

"Darling, I would never do that to you. If you thought I would really kill my own baby girl, you thought wrong. Come here."

He gave her a hug.

"You promise me, never to kill again? I had to witness that!-"

"I promise darling, I promise."

Riff interrupted them.

"Master there's someone outside."

Frank looked at the monitor. A old man in a wheelchair was outside.

"Scotty, Dr. Everett Scott!" Brad shouted.

"You know this earthling-person?"

"Yes, my old teacher."

"The intruder is in the castle."

"Maybe he's in the lab," Frank said.

They went to the lab.

They were in the dining room.

"A toast, to absent friends," Frank said.

"To absent friends."

Frank put a party hat on.

"And Rocky. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you-"

Janet sang along. Frank sat down.

"Shall we?"

They started eating. Dr. Scott looked at Fran.

"You're Francesca Furter correct?"

"Yes sir-"

"Yes, what of my daughter?"

"I am a good friend of your teacher Mr. Schwartz."


"Yes, I teach high school science. You'll be starting next school year, I hope to see you in my class. Mr. Schwartz says you're a very smart girl, now I know where she gets it from."

Dr. Scott gazed at Frank.

"Now, I want to bring up the subject of Eddie."

"Eddie!" Columbia said getting upset.

"That's a rather tender subject. Another slice anyone?" Frank asked.

"Excuse me."

Columbia got up and walked away. As soon as she closed the doors, she was wailing for her love.

"What about Eddie? Go on Dr. Scott?" Frank asked.

Fran sang along with each chorus part. She even looked at the note with them.

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