Chapter 10

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King opened his eyes to see a body embracing him. The sword clattered on the floor.  Helbram was hugging him. This was what he deserved? A hug from his best who he had killed all those years ago.

"W-What are you doing? Why aren't you..." King stuttered, his eyes widened as tried to escape from the grip.

"I-I'm not going to hurt you. I don't want to hurt you. Not anymore. You deserve none of this...." 

King shook, Helbram pulled back and looked at his best friend with sympathy, his eyes were filled with burning regret. What kind of sick monster had he become? Why did he leave his friend to suffer because of his own actions caused by his own suffering? 

"I-It's a cycle isn't it..." 

The green haired fairy looked at his best friend. "W-What?"

"The pain. Dealing with the continuous suffering that our friends are also suffering from. You suffered and I just hurt you. But then that just left a burden on me and I was beginning to suffer the consequences..." The brunette replied, his faced by the strands of hair that was covering his face. "It's all my fault... I caused you to suffer because I didn't get to save you in time and-" He felt a strike across the face, his eyes widened. He looked at Helbram, his heart shattered. Tears were running down his best friend's face.

"S-Shut up! You moron! Y-You didn't cause any suffering! I was the one who visited those humans! You were doing your job at protecting me and warning me not to interact with them! B-But I refused to listen to you and that's escalated to this mess..."  Helbram said, his head bowed down in shame.

King looked at his former friend and nodded, he looked down unable to meet his best friend's eyes. But who could blame him?  

"Helbram why did you come here?"

The fairy glanced at his former king and refused to say a word, he then started to treat the wounds that lay on his body, he got a bottle of alcohol and applied to a cloth and rubbed it on the wounds on King's leg. King yelped and struggled in his chained chair only to cause the chains to tighten more and inset further into his skin. 

"Can you just stop? I'm trying to help damn it.."  Helbram grumbled, he winced in sympathy as he pulled back and saw how badly damaged the skin was. It was scorched, scalded, layers of the skin were still dangling off his leg like curtains on a window, there was a clear discoloration, the skin would range from blood pink-red to ghost pale white. Helbram sighed and craned his neck to see the bowl of water that lay beside King, his eyes soon filled with sadness and regret before turning back to King. "Have you been drinking that water for days now?" His eyes widened as he saw King nod, his heart dropped slightly, he opened his mouth. He soon stopped what he was doing as he felt another presence, he gathered all of things before standing up and changing into his Aldric form.


"Shut up!" 

King flinched and watched his best friend stomp further and further away from him. He bit his lip and looked down, his hair covering his face that was painted with shame. He was ashamed of himself. Helbram was trying to help him but he just turned that help down. How fucking selfish was he?

Diane curled up into a ball as she sat down, she was trembling like a leaf travelling through the vicious winds. How has spending god knows how long in this hellhole been like for her? Ever since the demon encounter, her mind was... blank. She couldn't think straight. Why was she here? How did she get here? Was King okay? The giantess felt tears rush down her face, maybe she will never escape from this prison and would stay here for the rest of her life. She had so much to live for. Like she still needed to know who that boy was.. From all those years ago when she was just a young giant. He used to play, feed and wash her. But more importantly, he loved her. Sure they were young and irresponsible but everytime she would faintly remember his figure. Adorable, shy and talented at making clothes. 

The brown haired girl sighed, she was about to close her eyes before she heard the door slam open as someone entered abruptly, she sat as quick as lightning. 

"W-Who is it? I-I'll do anything what do you want! Just what do you want for me?!" Diane cried, wet  tears soaked her face as the ran down quickly. She then saw a man with green hair, she recognized him as the one who had defeated Meliodas. "Y-You?"

"Yeah it's me you bitch.." Helbram growled under his breath, he scanned the giantess and saw how she trembled at the sight of him. Is that even possible? The other time they had encountered she had almost crushed his ass. Now she seems to bow down and tremble as if he was some superior and he hadn't done anything to him, Vivian and Gilthunder had been doing the torture and Demon King only know what kind of torture. Her body was slightly soaked, she barely had any clothing, it had either been ripped off or burned. 

"I-I'll do anything just-"

"SHUT UP!!" The grown man shouted, he watched as Diane curled up in the corner and shook even more almost as if she was vibrating. He could barely hear her pleas and cries. All that was heard was:

'Please don't leave me alone.. I don't want to be alone anymore...'

'It's scary being alone..'

'Where's King?'

'Is he hurt? Was it cause I left him alone and now I'm alone?'

Helbram now understood the situation. Diane's fear was being alone. She hated being alone. Probably childhood trauma. Diane shifted her position slightly, her eyes were almost shut due to the heavy weight of sleep she had lost, she saw how Helbram continuously looked at the barrel that consisted of her required water needs. At least they weren't dehydrating her... 


The giantess stared at Helbram. She tilted her head as she no longer saw a man but fairy with lime green hair who stood in front of her. 

"I'm going to do something which I never thought I'll do. " 


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