The stormy weather in New York makes everyone leave the streets of Manhattan to find shelter, those on business trips find a hotel or an inn to stay. But what happens when the only room left in the whole of Manhattan has to be shared by both Alexand...
Alexander's pov She asked who I was, I have never been asked that question before by anyone especially not by a woman. I've been the latest sensation in top magazines as the most eligible multi-billionaire bachelor and she still asked who I was. I will have to ask her if she has been living under a rock for the past year not to know me, but first I need to confirm if she was sent by Roger.
"Do you know Roger by chance?" I asked her. I saw a flicker of emotion in her eyes but it left as soon as she caught on and she replied "Yes, I'm Rogers, Emily Rogers". At that point is where it all clicked in, the hotel had made a mix up with the reservation. She must have booked a room under the name Rogers and a room was booked for me under the name Roger, but that still doesn't mean she wouldn't know who I was because I would hate to be mistaking for a pervert. After all the brainstorming, I decided to explain the situation to her. "I see what happened here, you must have booked the room under the name Rogers and I booked a room with the name Roger so the hotel must have gotten it all mixed up. You should put on something so that we could go settle this mix up". A switch seemed to have turned on in her head as she quickly tightened the towel around her body and rushed into the bathroom to dress up.
Emily's pov When he asked me if I knew a Rogers I got scared, I thought he was sent to kidnap me or worse kill me, but then I looked at him in all his half-naked glory and I wondered if a kidnapper can look so good and if he came to kidnap me half-naked. I know people might think I'm crazy for thinking of these things first but I can't help it when he looks like a Calvin Klein model. I didn't notice I was staring again until he made mention of my half nakedness which made me so embarrassed standing in front of him with no clothes on. I quickly went into the closet and threw on the random clothing article I stuffed into my bag this morning and I'm grateful I did. After that, I put my long brown hair in a tight bun. Once I check myself in the mirror I don't look half bad, I put on a neutral face because I don't want him to see me as easy and I exited the closet.
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Alexander's pov I heard the door open and close, I look up to find the most amazing sight ever. She stood there with her beautiful long brown hair placed in a bun and the simplest and most conservative but sexiest outfit I have ever seen on a girl but that made her look like a goddess.
I was awestruck staring at her body and imagining running my fingers across her beautiful skin - until she cleared her throat bringing me out of my trance. "I'm ready we can go now," she said, but I'll have to tell her to go before me so she wouldn't know what she was doing to me, I have never had a girl make me feel this much and she did it without trying.