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"Welcome to Madame Henriettas, where I look into your soul and find your future!" The old lady said in a whimsical tone, but her hand gestures were more than a little concerning.

Jeongin looked over to Chan sceptically, only to find the boy looking completely immersed in the crazy ladies bull shit.

It would've been cute, Jeongin thought tragically, Chans compassion and naivety- but they had paid a tenner to get in and so far all they'd gotten was suggestive hand movements and cat hair all over their legs.

Now I know what you're thinking, why on earth would you go to a psychic on a first date? And well, Jeongin wouldn't be able to answer that question for you.

You see, Chan had originally hit on and asked out Jeongin two years ago at Hyunjins 17th birthday party, when he was 16 and chan was 19- only then to freak out after learning how young the boy was ("OH MY GOD YOU'RE A LITERAL FETUS LORD FORGIVE ME").

So the Australian not so subtly pinned after Jeongin for the remainder of the 2 years, only to then ask him out on his 18th birthday deeming that now the age gap wasn't as concerning. But during that time there was a strictly no-touchy-touchy rule (as said by Chan) until Jeongin was in university, which was now in a couple of weeks (it was kind of nice back then, how Chan wanted to be in a serious relationship for that long.)

However the two years they had 'not dated' for were practically two years of dating. They saw movies, went to the fair, beach, coffee shop, painted each other nails and Chan was even Jeongins 'unofficial' date to prom.

It was horribly obvious the two liked each other, but much to Jeongins resentment- Chan would never agree to 'officially dating' until Jeongin was at least 18.

And thus leads us to now, 18 year old newly highschool-graduate Yang Jeongin on a 'official date' with his 'unofficial 2 year boyfriend' and third year uni student, Bang Chan.

And it was in Madame Henrietta's psychic house of magic, as said by the badly made board in front of the shop.

Was this legit? No. Was it worth the money? Absolutely not. But did it matter that Chan was enjoying himself? Yes, yes it did.

Madame Henrietta (who's real name was, probably, not Henrietta) suddenly gasped when Jeongin rolled his eyes, making Chan let out a little yelp as well.

"You!" She said accusingly, pointing straight at Jeongin, "You are in love!"

Joengins eyes quite literally popped out of his head, and he sent Chan a dirty glare as the boy began to laugh into his hand. "No I'm not!" He said frustatredly, not appreciating the 3 cats that were holding him back from slapping the fake glasses of the fake (or real, after her comment) psychics face.

She gasped again, "And you!" She shouted, turning back to Chan, "You are also in love!"

Chan gaped at Madame Henrietta, gobsmacked at her sudden betrayal.

But she quickly changed the subject, much to the relief of the two boys. "I am getting..."

The dramatic pause was far less dramatic, Jeongin thought tiredly-

"A vision!" She shouted, and as if on queue, the lights in the tent dimmed immediately, putting a red coloured spot light on the trio. "A very vivid vision!"

Chan gasped in amazement, jabbing Jeongin as if he couldn't see the lights hidden behind the potted plants. But he stayed quiet, just shuffling closer to his partner, not so subtly shooting daggers at the lady who had her eyes rolled back.

"I see...a child!"

Chan snorted, "Oh look, it's you."

"For the love of god, I am 18." Jeongin hissed, watching a little bit more concerned as the psychic started to mumble and move around like she was possessed.

"So? You're still baby." Chan scoffed, snaking an arm around Jeongin's waist, holding him comfortably.

Jeongin ignored him and the butterflies in his stomach. Refusing to let himself be swept away in his boyfriend romance when they sat opposite an old lady and her dozens of demonic cats.

"And I see...a happy couple. A beautiful house- and a great group of friends!" She continued, her voice growing louder and louder.

All of a sudden, the tarot cards and other objects on the table began to hover, the lady's hair flew up and started swirl all around her. A harsh wind flew past the boys, but upon looking behind them, their door was shut tightly, all the blinds down.

Chan's grip tightened, "Yo...what the-"

"Holy shit!" Jeongin exclaimed, suddenly feeling his legs leave the ground- as he began to fly upwards. "Oh my god what the fuck?!" He shouted, trying to grip onto Chan and the back of the wooden chair he had been sitting in.

Chan just watched as his boyfriend began to fly away from him, eyes wide, "Jeongin? How are you doing that?"

"I don't fucking know!" He shouted, starting to lose balance. Jeongin snapped his head forward, glare intense as it was directed as the also flying women infront of him, "Put me down!"

The lady ignored him, and they flew even higher, Chan's arm moving away from his waist and instead gripping his wrist, holding Jeongin as close to the ground as he could, "What the hell? Is this part of the act?"

"No! Chan oh my god-" Jeongin started, only to be cut off when Chan's feet also left the ground- and they both began to fly towards the ceiling of the, "This is so not funny Chan. You can stop now."

Chan's own face was laced in horror, as he pulled himself up to Jeongin, gripping his hand tightly, "What? You think I'm involved in this? I think I'm going to be sick-"

"I see- a problem in the future!" The lady shouted, the objects from around the tent flying everywhere. One of the cats was still gripping onto Jeongin's jeans while he narrowly missed being hit in the head by the crystal ball. "You must fix it!"

"What?" Chan shouted, "The future?"

"Have fun, and call if you need help!" She said, before moving her arms in a strange pattern, but this time a weird smoke followed her fingertips, surrounding the pair of boys.

Jeongin's eyes widened and he reached out to the psychic, "Wait-"


All of a sudden, Chan and Jeongin disappeared. Leaving nothing but a hovering cat that had been holding onto them for dear life.

All the objects, including the cat and Madame Henrietta, abruptly fell down into their respective places, the cat shrieking as he fell into its bed.

Shaking her head and smoothening out the creases in her dress, she looked around as if nothing had happened; before she cleared her throat and flicked her hand, making the shut door open wide, all the blinds and curtains opening to let the daylight back into the small shop.

The closed sign flipped to open, as her grin grew, "I hope they have fun."





time travel,
marriage and
kids? my fav

& any other
enthusiasts !!


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