• Vharys •

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The misty air of the early morning glided upon the city walls of Vharys, enveloping the city in an ethereal veil

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The misty air of the early morning glided upon the city walls of Vharys, enveloping the city in an ethereal veil. The white bricks were shining under the light of the moon, their brightness defeating even the aery columns of fog raising from the ground.

I tightened the hold I had on the reins, pulling the strong strings of leather, and my stallion halted in his steps, the hooves sinking in the fresh mud on the ground.

The majestic gates of the city were still closed, too early in the morning for the trades to take place and for the streets to be crowded by inhabitants eager to spend their fortune. Guards were stationed outside the perimeter of the fence, but it was impossible to discern how many of them there were as their bodies were barely visible through the mist.

My shins gently squeezed the horse's ample ribcage, spurring him into a light trot. With us nearing the city walls, my eyes were finally able to catch the two silhouettes standing in front of the wooden gate.


I halted, patting the strong neck of the beast beneath me. He huffed and shook his head, making his dark coat glint under the moonlight. He was known among the Guild's members for being a little difficult to tame, having unsaddled the few who tried to ride him; he was a very loyal beast, not liking to receive orders that were not directly coming from me. Dismounting, I affectionately caressed him on the nose and he calmed down, leaning his head into my touch.

A figure emerged from the aery mist, stopping a few feet away from me. He assessed my body sharply, covering with his eyes every inch of my cloaked frame.

"Who are ya'? What business do ya' have so early in the city?"

He was dressed in a light armor that left his arms and legs devoid of mail, only covered by the brown tunic he worn underneath. His cuirass displayed the crest of House Duval, the same image that was imprinted on the seal of the letter I had received few days prior.

I let the hood fall off my head and the dark fabric crumpled on my shoulders; I watched impassively as the guard took a sharp intake of breath at the sight of my face, my features visible under the pale rays of the night. As always, my eyes betrayed me, allowing the man to recognize who stood in front of him even without the need for me to verify my identity.

Seven summers had passed since the day I was presented to the world outside Skyon's walls, but even now, after all this time, it saddened me a little witnessing the reactions I invoked in the people I interacted with. During the years I learnt to accept that I would always be feared upon, but it was unsettling being known by what I represented and not by who I really was. Everywhere I went, every time I exposed my face, the response was always the same. Surprise, bewilderment and some excitement maybe, but in the end fear always won.

"I am a Member of the Guild, your King requested my presence in Vharys."

I placed the opened letter in the man's hands, the red wax of the Royal Seal clearly distinguishable from the pale paper.
He nodded, cautiously returning the missive to me, and turned in order to shout to his companions to open the gates. Repositioning the hood on my head, I mounted on the saddle and spurred my horse, finally entering within the premises of the capital of Kallera.

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