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Pale flesh greeted my sight

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Pale flesh greeted my sight.

I watched as tendons and muscles jutted beneath the surface, following every turn and twitch of the hand. The skin wasn't smooth and tender, but rugged and hardened, with little white scars dotting the back; the fingers were lean but calloused, signed by years of hard work and weapon handling. I clenched my hand in a fist, watching as the knuckles turned white, and then relaxed it again. My eyes skimmed along the lines and the edges on my skin, searching for some trace, an indication of some sort, of the dark liquid that had covered it three moons ago. None. It was clean, only the nails scattered with a bit of dirt.

A shout brought me out of my reverie. The men were unloading their belongings from the saddlebags, placing them either on their shoulders or on the ground, before guiding the horses towards the stables where they would stay until our return. Few bags were resting at my feet, filled only with essentials, while my stallion was being taken care of.

The streets of Selyris teemed with life.
Merchants were shouting from their shops, alluring passers-by into buying their products, sailors were rushing through the market stalls to reach the port and children were playing in the corners of the streets, their giggles muffled by the racket of the hour.
Crowded places made me uneasy. I knew our group would had not gone unnoticed, as a member of the Guild, a Lord of one of the High Houses with his beast, the Queen and a group of soldiers were hard to miss, but the stares we were receiving were making my skin crawl in apprehension. I placed my hand on the hilt of my dagger, moving in front of the Queen to shield her body with mine. Men and women were curiously looking at us, hushed whispers leaving their mouths.

"Teleite, there is no need for you to block their vision. They only want to see their Queen. A summer has passed since the last time I visited Selyris and it's a duty of mine to interact with my subjects."

My eyes lingered on the crowd, searching through the many faces for signs of a possible threat, before begrudgingly stepping right.

"As you wish, my Queen, but if you let me, I will stay by your side until we board the royal vessel."

Her lips tilted up in a soft smile and she nodded, the golden crown reflecting the rays coming from the sunlight.

"You might."

Welcoming her words with a bow of my head, I stood by her side while she walked towards the crowd and greeted her people. Their faces were lit in amazement and respect, their attention enraptured by the sight of their Queen. Different was the reaction when their eyes fell on me; amazement turned into shock, respect into fear. Mothers tucked their children under their arms, as to protect them from my presence. The interest they held in me was short lived, as their focus swiftly turned to the Queen as soon as she started talking. I watched as joy radiated from them at the concern she showed regarding the wellbeing of the city, but it shouldn't had been surprising. Kallera loved its rulers. King Bastian and Queen Seline were  fair rulers, compassionate, but with an iron fist when required.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2019 ⏰

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