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Listen to the music while reading please.

That night, I asked Jungkook to stay, but he was staying with his girlfriend. I didn't want to seem suspicious so I just let him go. I was in bed, reading Jack a book while he sat in my lap. I had my legs stretched out as he sat on my lap, his head leaning on my chest. My thoughts about him had completely vanished when I saw Jack giggling. But then I heard my front door open. My eyes widened as I put Jack down, running to the door. I locked it, running back to Jack. I picked him up before getting under the bed. I put a dummy in his mouth to make sure he didn't make a noise. He began whining then.

I whispered, but it never worked.

That's when I heard my door lock break once again. I begged Jack to shush, which thankfully worked. I laid on my side, Jack against my stomach as I held him tightly. I was petrified. The door creaked open. I closed my eyes tightly, inhaling the rotten smell of dead bodies coming from his clothes.

And that's when I knew it.

Jack began screaming and crying from the horrible smell. My eyes shot open with horror and worry as the footsteps stopped. I hugged my baby to my chest before the bed flipped over, revealing me and Jack to Taehyung. I never said anything but stared at the boy in front of me, as well as his dark brown orbs into mine. My breaths were shaky as I could feel his gaze onto my hands, moving to Jack. He put his hand out, reaching to touch my face. His thumb caressed my cheek as he bent down to my height before staring at my arms.

"He's mine?"
His deep and raspy voice filled my ears.

Without even noticing, I was already crying and nodding. I began sobbing, holding Jack tightly. As Taehyung went to take him from me, I slapped his hand away.

"No, the last thing I would ever want was you hurting my baby."
I said, anger in my voice.

But then what happened was a shock. Taehyung stood up, pulling me up with him. He pulled me into his arms before placing his lips onto mine. He pulled away, placing his lips onto Jack's forehead, many him to stop crying. He then looked back at me.

"I'm sorry if you hate me, but let me make up for it. I love you too much to give up on you."


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