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I was feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. I could feel the blood flowing in my veins as my heart began beating faster and faster.

"Y/n?! What are you doing?"
Jungkook came behind me before looking at the letter.

I scrunched the letter up before throwing it in the bin. It was probably some stupid kids.

"Nothing. Just a silly little prank."
He nodded before we heard Jack scream.

We ran to the kitchen only to find him hitting his fists on the table, later pointing at his nappy.

"Oh no..."
I internally cried before picking him up.

As I changed Jack's nappy, I heard the front door open.

"Y/n? I've gotta go to work! I'll be back tomorrow!"
Jungkook yelled.

I yelled back, Jack screaming bye in baby language.

Jungkook yelled back.

I smiled at my baby before sitting him in my lap, staring into his cute eyes that were glowing with curiosity. He giggled as I tickled his little belly. It was currently 8pm, his bedtime. I picked him back up as I walked to the bedroom. I placed him in the cot, making sure to place the white blanket over his small tiny body.

"Goodnight Jack."
I whispered before placing soft kisses allover his squishy face.

I smile as he giggled, walked to my bed which was right beside his. As I sat down, I grabbed a book from under my bed. It was a book about a woman, who found love in a man with no hope. They man was a terrible person, someone without love or sympathy. He had no guilt, and hurt every person he tried to love. The woman on the other hand, made everyone happy, and she was the one who was deeply suffering. And when they met, a beautiful relation bloomed between them both.


My eyes shot open from the sudden bang from my kitchen. I looked over into the cot only to see that Jack was sleeping soundly. I sighed and pulled the pan from under my pillow. I gulped before walking out my bed and locking my bedroom door securely. I put the pan back under my pillow before picking Jack from under the pillow, putting him next to me in bed. He squirmed a bit, but then pulled my arms around him. I smiled before hearing another bang. I knew someone was in my house. I couldn't sleep. I held Jack tightly before sitting up in the bed. I couldn't go anywhere with him, he was my responsibility. I grabbed my phone from my night stand and dialed Jungkook's number.

He whispered.
"I was asleep! What could possibly be the matter-"

"Someone's in my house Jungkook. Please help me."
I whispered.

"I'm on the way."
With that he hung up.

I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I felt tears squeezing out my eyes, threatening to fall. I took a deep breath, telling myself that Jungkook would be here with the police. I heard the footsteps stop, opening the door opposite my room, the guest room. Then the bathroom, then the bathroom, then the attic. It was my room next. I heard footsteps coming closer to the door, soon stopping. My heart was beating rapidly. But then I remembered the letter. The letter. Could it possibly have been Taehyung? My eyes widened as the door handle began rattling. I had locked the door, so then the person behind the door was trying to open it. I began crying, hoping it wasn't any psychopath. Once my sobs got a little louder, the door stopped moving. I heard something drop to the floor. My lock had been broken. The door slowly opened, letting out a screech. But as I saw a hand, I heard sirens outside my house. My eyes widened as the hand disappeared from my door.

Jungkook's voice echoed in my ears.

I shouted, jumping out of bed.

I ran into his arms, crying and sobbing. Jack was still in my arms, sleeping soundly.

"Don't worry, I'm here now."
Something hit me.

"Jungkook? Is that you?"


True Lovers Book 2 (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now