two ❝sharing classes❞

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❝sharing class❞

❝sharing class❞

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For the next few classes, Hyunjin struggled to locate them which lead to the discovery that he shared classes with Seungmin; as a result, the raven-haired male "secretly" followed Seungmin from class to class. Of course, it was with good intentions - to arrive at class on time.

Now in third period Math, Hyunjin impatiently tapped his foot as he glanced over at the ticking clock. It was just minutes before lunch started, and in all honestly, Hyunjin just wanted from fresh air. The sickening air of the stuffy classrooms did him no justice. It was winter so the heater was on, filling the room with warm, stuffy air.

Sweat ran down the side of Hyunjin's forehead, only to be wiped away seconds later by the back of his hand. The raven-haired male huffed once more, slowly fanning himself with his hand. Hyunjin spared a glance at the dreadful clock once more, a slight smile forming.

In a matter of seconds, the blaring school bell rang, echoing throughout the whole building. Scuffing from the chairs being pushed away and loud chattering of students filled the room.

Hyunjin quickly gathered his items before rushing out the classroom, heading to the one place he thought no one would be.


Hyunjin pushed the metal door open, revealing the roof of his new high school. A gush of cool air brushed past him, sending shivers down his spine. Hyunjin inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh, cool air of nature. His eyes glanced around the new territory, noticing a thin blanket of snow that covered the cement ground. A wooden (slightly worn-out) bench rested against the wall next to the door, allowing one to peer around.

The said male smiled softly to himself, perhaps this would be his new hanging out place. Hyunjin was already set on the idea of never going to the cafeteria due to the dreadful stares he already received from his classmates.

Before Hyunjin could step onto the fresh snow, a loud scuff was heard from behind him.

"Not only did you follow me to class to class, now you are at my resting spot? What are you? A stalker?"

The raven-haired male flinched at the harsh tone, identifying it as the one and only Seungmin. Hyunjin swiftly turned around, opening his mouth to voice an apology; however, before he could speak, Seungmin scuffed again and walked back down the stairs.


Word Count: 411

I already have the whole plot laid out so it will be easy for me to publish chapters. Perhaps this story will be completed in under one day - who knows. :)


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