six ❝ sad vibes ❞

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❝ sad vibes ❞

good titles who??

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good titles who??


The raven-haired male entered his first period with a small smile. The thought of seeing Seungmin caused the corner of his lips to tug into a bright smile. Hyunjin's eyes fixated on the said male, only to soften at the sight.

Seungmin sat at his desk as usual, however, this time it was different. The hand that held his pencil trembled slightly, his eyes could barely focus on the paper in front of him. Sleep was the only thing on his mind, however, he couldn't follow up on that thought.

Last night, Seungmin fell asleep for a good thirty minutes before waking up. His night went downhill from there. Don't get him wrong, he wanted to sleep but he simply couldn't. So instead of sleeping, Seungmin stayed up, staring at the ceiling of his room.

"Seungmin?" A soft voice cut through the said male's train of thoughts, snapping him back to reality. He hummed softly, not having the energy to voice a reply. "Are you okay?"

Seungmin soon recognized the soothing voice as Hyunjin. The brunette peered over to Hyunjin, immediately noticing the worried expression of the taller. Seungmin sighed softly, nodding - still not in the mood to speak properly.

Hyunjin didn't believe this; his hand shot up in the air, gaining the attention of Mrs. Anderson.

"Yes, Hyunjin?" She questioned.

"Seungmin isn't feeling well, may I take him to the school nurse?" Hyunjin asked, determination and worry taking over his expression.

Mrs. Anderson nodded, motioning the two males to do as they pleased. Seungmin attempted to voice a disagreement, however, Hyunjin grasped his wrist and tugged him along.


Stopping in front of the nurse office, Seungmin finally managed to free himself from Hyunjin's grasp.

"What the hell did you do that for?!" Seungmin whisper yelled, his annoyance clearly visible.

"I was fucking looking out for you!" Hyunjin snapped, finally starting to become annoyed by Seungmin's behavior. "You obviously aren't feeling well so I decided to be a nice friend and fucking take you to the nurse office. But obviously, you don't care enough to fucking appreciate what I'm doing. I'm fucking sorry for not fucking letting you suffer in the damn classroom. If you want to go back to class, then fucking go. I have enough of you treating me like fucking shit when all I'm trying to do is fucking help you."

Seungmin gulped, obviously not expecting his outburst. A pit of guilt slowly formed in Seungmin's stomach as he noticed tears starting to form in Hyunjin's eyes.


Word Count: 432

Well, he snapped 👀


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