Memory Seven

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        Two weeks after I'd met Mason in the library, we were a couple. It was official. I never thought I'd want anyone other than Drew but here I was with him and I actually really liked him. I decided to plan my outfit that first morning since he was coming to pick me up for school. I put my hair into one of those messy buns that made it look like I was not trying and wore my destroyed denim shorts and a Ramones tee with my Olympic Air Jordan's to impress him because I knew he was a sneaker head. I ran downstairs for breakfast and my mom was sipping coffee when she saw me.

"Sky what are you so excited about? I swear I've never seen you this enthusiastic about going to school and you're ready early." she said. I blushed.
"Nothing. I just have to be early so I can go talk to Mrs. Peters about my algebra assignment." I lied. I didn't want her to know about Mason just yet because if my mom knew my dad would find out and he was still pretty pissed about the whole Drew incident. Mason had told me he was picking me up early so we could get breakfast which is why I didn't bother eating anything. No boy had ever bought me breakfast before and it was probably my fault for pawning after Drew for so long. I never wanted anyone other than him. All the time wasted I'd come to realize. I was sitting on the couch watching music videos on MTV when my cell phone rang. I looked at it. It was him. I answered it on the 3rd ring so I wouldn't seem so eager. "I'm outside," he said softly into the phone. His voice was just so irresistible and sexy. I grabbed my bag and slung it over my shoulder dashing out of the door. "Mom I'm gone," I called out to her.

His car was parked in front of the house. I opened the door and climbed in feeling nervous like it was my first time being alone with him. He smiled at me. "Good morning beautiful." he said starting the engine. He looked down at my feet. "Nice kicks," he said quietly a smile forming on his face. He was just so cute that I was speechless. It was quiet as he drove and I wondered where we'd be eating. I imagined a diner or a restaurant so imagine my surprise when pulled up to McDonald's. He parked and we got out and went inside. "Wait here. I'll go get us some food," he said into my ear. I took a seat at one of the bar stools and looked down at my phone. So McDonald's. This is where we were getting breakfast. I don't know why I expected more. I mean after all he was a high school boy. I was caught up in my thoughts when he called my name. "Sky," he said. I looked up as he sat our food down. It looked like he'd literally ordered everything on the breakfast menu. He sat a coffee, orange juice, and apple juice next to me.
"I can't eat all of this," I say smirking.
"I know. I just want to see what you will eat." he replied. I thought about it for a moment. I'm not one of those girls who usually worries about what they eat. I'm a burger eating kind of girl but sitting here knowing he was watching me eat, I couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious. I took a sip of the orange juice and smiled at him reaching for the parfait. I opened it and poured the granola on top of the yogurt mixing it and then I got a spoon full and put it sexily into my mouth licking the spoon clean blushing. He just laughed which made me turn red.

"You have no idea what you do to me..." he whispered leaning over the table. He pressed his lips against mine licking the yogurt off my top lip and I smiled probably the biggest smile.

"C'mon let's go," he finally said.
"But what about all of this food?" I said not wanting his money to go to waste.
"What about it?" he replied laughing. I frowned. He rolled his eyes before picking up the tray of food and going up to register to talk to the girl working. She blushed wildly as he spoke to her. It almost made me upset but who could blame her. He was gorgeous. My boyfriend was gorgeous. It felt nice to refer to him as that. He was mine. He wanted me. Not another girl, me. He returned with the food in five bags and said, "C'mon let's go," I followed him out.

We drove to a neighborhood that I'd never seen before and I'm not sure I wanted to. It was raggedy and most of the houses were vacant or torn down. He stopped in front of a pretty worn down house and told me to follow him. I did. He knocked on the door and I stood behind him nervously. I heard someone unlock the door and then after a few seconds it flew open. A woman stood smiling up at Mason. She looked old but she didn't appear to be THAT old. Maybe early thirties but she looked tired, overworked. Her hair was in a ponytail and tied with a scarf. Mason hugged her and asked, "where are the kids?"
"In their room," she replied.
"I brought you guys breakfast," he told her.
"Well that's very sweet, you can go in there if you want. Who is this?"
"This is Sky, my girlfriend," he told her grabbing my arm. I felt so uncomfortable and out of place. The house looked bare with old donated looking furniture and it smelled weird. Not homely at all. I didn't want to assume they were poor but at that moment, those were my thoughts. I followed him into the room to find four kids asleep on old iron bunk beds. They looked so peaceful, 2 in each bed. I almost didn't want Mason to wake them but he did anyway. The girl woke up first. "Mason!" she said happily which woke up her 3 brothers who with her all ran over to give him a hug. They were thin, really thin and small for their age and the youngest one had sort of a limp. They're clothes were dingy but nevertheless they were cute. He sat the McDonald's bag down on the kid table in the room and said, "Enjoy the breakfast kids," They scrambled over to it and I swear I never saw little kids devour food so fast. It looked they hadn't eaten days and smiled at the thought of Mason giving them the food.

Maybe 20 minutes later we were in the school parking lot sitting in his car with 15 minutes until the bell rang. "So why did you do that?" I wanted to know.
"Do what?" he questioned.
"Everything that you did."
"Because I wanted you to meet them."
"Who is she?"
"She's someone special to me. She gave me a home when I ran away when I was thirteen. I know she struggles to feed her kids and that she's sick and her husband passed away so I bring food when I can and I always come and visit Ren, Bridget, Michael, and Peter when I can. I bought the food for the him and just wanted to see what you ate. Most girls never eat in front of me. I was hoping you weren't one of those girls..."
"I'm usually not one of those girls... You made me this way!" I laughed. He just stared at me.
"I'm serious!" I say and we start laughing. He leans over putting his hand on my thigh and kisses me.
"I reeeeally like you Sky," he whispered his breath warm against my face.
"I like you more. Especially after what you did today. It was unexpected. You're unexpected."

He kissed me again. "We better head inside so we don't be late," he said getting out to open my door. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the school just like that. We were hit with stares as soon as we entered and I no longer cared because he was mine. Yeah I heard gossip about us the entire day and even Amber told me how no one could believe I actually had a boyfriend. And that he was Mason the cute bad boy. Girls were jealous, I knew this but I was happy and no one could change that. We were happy like that for awhile. We got into fights and arguments but until Drew showed back up he was all I wanted.



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