~~~ Explain Yourself ~~~

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She decided to start from the very beginning. From when she faced the Grimlocks and met Bryce; finding out the three of them were missing and how she felt, leaving the Smiths and travelling to the forest base, to finding out what she was.

She didn't leave a thing out, they were the people she trusted most in the world and she had them back. She needed to hear what they had to say about it all, their opinions were always honest and she preferred that. She knew they wouldn't hold back or leave things out just to protect her like the Council did, they knew her well enough to know she didn't like that.

While she spoke, Robbie's big brown eyes got even bigger and his jaw dropped open at one point. His face was so familiar to L, she could have traced it in her sleep. She kept going until she got to the part where Bryce took her back to the cottage and she fell asleep the night before.

There was silence when she finished and she waited for one of them to say something, she knew it was a lot to take in even as she'd relayed it all to them. But especially for Robbie, who hadn't known anything before they'd been taken. He appeared to be sat in shock and L hoped it hadn't been too stressful for him to hear it all.

"Well, you've had a very eventful several days, haven't you dear? You must be exhausted, have they been taking good care of you?"

Mrs Worcester's maternal instinct was ever present and L tried to nod along with her many questions.

"I'm so relieved to see you're alright. When that thing was talking about how you'd come to save us and how he'd capture you and take you to his 'mistress', I was so fearful and I almost hoped you wouldn't come." Mrs Worcester's face looked grave, like she'd said something terrible.

L just smiled at her, "Don't worry, I understand but I would always have come for you, even if none of the beings here had agreed to help me. It was my fault they were using you as bait. Which did actually work but luckily not how the Demons wanted, and we're all safe now. I'm glad I went though because if I hadn't, he might not have been so unfocused on the three of you. I hate to think how it might have ended then."

L shuddered at the thought of it and felt Robbie fidget next to her, she looked up to see him shaking his head.

"I can't believe it, it's just ridiculous. And you two knew about all of this, were you ever gonna tell me?"

Mrs Worcester looked at her son with sadness in her eyes, "We didn't want to put you in danger, we didn't know if you had the gift or not, we wanted to protect you as much as we could. We were planning to tell you eventually because it was becoming more frequent that we helped out. I swear to you, Robbie, we did not know what L was until just now."

Mr Worcester was nodding at his wife's words but Robbie was still shaking his head.

"I didn't need protecting, I needed the truth, I could have helped L a lot sooner! If she'd known about this stuff earlier too, maybe none of this would have happened."

He seemed to be talking to the walls now and L realised that his anger was mostly directed to the Supernatural community beyond them.

She nudged his side with her shoulder, "It's alright, Robbie. This would've happened no matter what your parents did. If I had heard any of you talking about Supernatural creatures I might have had you locked up anyway."

He knew that wasn't true but it was enough to calm him down, he looked at her and sighed.

"I guess I'm just overwhelmed, at least I know I'm not crazy though."

L smiled and nodded, remembering how she'd reacted when Bryce had revealed everything to her.

"Oh don't worry, I went through that phase too but no, it's all real and it looks like we're in it together... I still wish you all hadn't been involved like this though."

Unknown L (Book 1)  [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now