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Later on, everyone gathered in the living room. Zion, Edwin, Jade, and I were on the couch and Nick pulled his beanbag chair to our side of the living room. Brandon and Austin were together on the opposite side of the room. 

"An explanation would be nice," I say, sitting cross-legged in between Zion's legs. B takes a deep breath and starts talking. 

"Okay so... I couldn't sleep one night and I saw Porter was still up so I just ended up venting to him that I had some feelings. I didn't know where they came from, they just kinda sprang up. He said that it didn't change anything about us and it didn't. I just didn't understand why I felt the way I did. I knew that he wouldn't tell anyone so..." 

I nod and say, "That still doesn't explain why you kissed me though." 

"Sure as hell don't," Z adds wrapping his hands around my waist, pulling me closer to him. 

"Yeah so... last night after we came from the party, I found it cute that you were all giggly and honest and emotional. I mean you're like that right now but you know, more controlled." B says. I nodded understanding what he was trying to say. "I saw you at the beach and I realized that I liked you. I know I hurt Z once before doing this, so I tried to ignore it. And then there's also Maggie..." 

B breathes and looks at Zion. The two of them do that nod acknowledgment thingy (which I take as an apology) and Edwin turns to Austin. 

"What about you blondie?" He asks. 

Austin moves his hair and says, "I mean, it was all up to B to tell you guys. I mean, we're cool and Maggie's chill. I think her and B would be great together but since that thing with Z, I noticed she's kinda distant from Brandon now." 

I see Jadelyn and Nick nod out of the corner of my eye. We all get up for a group hug and I think, Everything is going to be okay now.

this is short but 'sorry' is good, thank you for coming to my TedTalk

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