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I gasp and open my eyes, sitting up in the bed. I brush my hair out of my face and breathe out. I'm so glad that wasn't real. I think. I rub my eyes and cross my legs under me as Z comes out of the bathroom, towel around his waist and dreads dripping with water. 

"Morning," I say, pulling my sleeves down. 

"Morning," He says, pulling on some black boxers and a white t-shirt. I move so I'm now at the edge of the bed, with my feet dangling over and I pull my fingers through my hair, slightly detangling it. (it's still straightened 

"K, you wanna tell me about that dream you were having?" I shake my head, heading into the bathroom. 

"What're you talking about?" I ask, getting my toothbrush. 

Zion stands in the doorway, arms crossed, and says, "Kyla, you were whimpering and saying 'no' in your sleep." 

I pull my hair up into a ponytail and with a mouthful of toothpaste say, "It was a nightmare. But nothing to worry about alright? And also, wasn't I still wearing my own clothes yesterday?" 

Zion smirks and says, "I just want to make sure you're okay and you fell asleep in the studio so I put you in something comfy."

 I nod and spit out my toothpaste, rinsing out the sink. Zion comes behind me and wraps his hands around my waist. I stand up straight and look at us in the mirror, smiling for a moment. 

"Okay, get out, I have to take a shower." 

He laughs and says, "Okay." 

I roll my eyes and grab my extra toiletries from under the sink. I turn on the shower and undress, getting into the warm water. I wash up relatively quickly and rinse off my face. 

"K, I know you need a new pair of underwear and bra, so they're on the bench for you," Zion says, coming in. 

I turn off the water and say, "Thanks." Then I comprehend what he said. "Wait, how did you..?" 

"You left them behind that day we did laundry." Z shuts the door and I get out, drying off. 

I put on my Gold Bond lotion and Secret deodorant then pull on some denim shorts and a white tank top, before putting Z's sweatshirt back on. I come out and Z is on the bed, on his phone. I unplug mine and climb onto the bed, sitting next to him. 

"I'll eat breakfast later," I say. "You too?" 

He nods and says, "Mhm." I roll my eyes and think, That boy is out of it when he's on his phone. I open up my messages.

Quinn 🤞🏽



how'd it go with B the other day

we kissed

bruh y'all just met 

slow down. u know how he is

*cough cough* player


that doesn't mean he ain't a cute one tho

lol 😭

Best Friend 🥰


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