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First thought: dang, he's hot.

Second thought: fuck, I looked up.

When Bakugou jolted up in surprise at the voice, he couldn't help but linger his eyes a little too long. Maybe way too long. The guy had bright red hair, spiked up almost perfectly with gel. He had a wide grin on his face, putting his razor-sharp shark-like teeth on display. His wide red eyes were beautiful; Bakugou could probably stare into them forever. After a few moments of looking, which, is not long at all, Bakugou noticed a small scar right above his right eye.

His voice was like music to his ears. After long seconds of awkward staring and the barista grinning, Bakugou quickly lowered his gaze. But it was too late. The cashier already saw.

But to Bakugou surprise, the redhead's grin didn't falter at all. "What would you like to order?" The guy asked cheerfully, waving his hand to the lit-up board over his head. "The hot chocolate here is always awesome!"

Hot chocolate? What a wimp. Bakugou grunted and slapped five dollars onto the counter. "Cappuccino. Medium."

"One medium cappuccino coming right up!"

Bakugou listened to the soft sounds of the cafe; the slow, classical music in the background and the water hitting a paper cup. "Are you staying or leaving?" The redhead suddenly asked curiously.

"Staying," Bakugou grunted. That wasn't a hard decision. Stay with this oblivious dude or go back and deal with whatever consequences that he was facing. Shit, why did he have to go and beat that girl up? Maybe everyone was right and he was a bad person.

The cashier hummed softly under his breath as he finished up the first part of the drink. He placed it on the counter and reached into a drawer and hesitated again. "Cinnamon or chocolate powder?"

"Chocolate," Bakugou muttered.

He smiled and pulled out a small shaker, and gently shook it above the drink. The redhead pulled out a fork from the side and carefully drew something on the top layer, his tongue poking out in concentration. Finally, he slid the cup to Bakugou, watching his reaction anxiously.

Bakugou furrowed his eyebrows in confusion when he glanced down. The powder was swirled into a delicate drawing; an explosion. It looked like it jumped right out of a cartoon and landed on drink. He opened his mouth, trying to get the word out. Fuck, how long has it been since he said it?


From a single word, the redhead's face lit up like a lantern. "No problem!" He beamed at Bakugou. 

Bakugou swallowed and backed away from the counter. He couldn't remember when somebody had smiled at him so brightly either. When he retreated to one of the far tables by the window, he realized that it started raining. Shit. He didn't any money on him, and he didn't have anybody to call. Fuck.

Whatever. Bakugou stared down at the drink, a warm feeling in his chest stirring up even though he hadn't even begun drinking it yet. He risked a glance at the cashier and felt the warmth grow. The redhead didn't recognize him. That should be bad. He should be known all over the world, by everyone. So why did it make him so relieved?

Slowly, the rain got heavier. Fucking shitty fuck. He was done with the drink, and now, he was just waiting for the rain to stop. Not to mention the already grey sky was quickly darkening. By now, Bakugou was getting nervous. He was sure that no Uber driver was going to let him in. And it wasn't as if he could just run as fast as he could back, his apartment was a good 20 minutes away.

"Fuck," he muttered, glancing around the small store for a clock. He found one, right about his head. 7:32PM. Great, awesome, spectacular, wonderful. 

"Uh, hey?" 

Bakugou looked up. The hot cashier was fucking talking to him. 

"Um, I was wondering, do you have a ride home or something?" The redhead asked, looking a little nervous but still giving Bakugou a bright smile. "'Cause, it's raining pretty hard," he jabbed a finger at the door.

Bakugou scowled in annoyance. What did this guy think he was? A weakling who couldn't even afford a car? He could buy twenty if he wanted, easy. "I can get home perfectly fine," he growled, standing up. He picked up the paper cup and tossed it into the trashcan beside the counter. "Mind your own business."

The clerk's smile faltered at that, but the sides of his mouth quickly shot up again. "Do you have an umbrella?" He asked persistently.

"I don't need a fucking umbrella," Bakugou rolled his eyes, walking to the door. "A little rain isn't gonna kill me."

He put a hand on the door and was about to push it open when the redhead tried again. "But you're gonna get wet," he reasoned, quickly closing down the machines around him. Bakugou watched as he did it at a surprisingly fast speed. "Plus, I have an umbrella!"

"You're not gonna fucking walk me home," Bakugou clenched his jaw in annoyance and quickly pushed the door. 


The blond groaned and glanced over his shoulder again. The redhead was running over now, hitting one of the shop's lights off as he went. Just leave me alone, his brain wanted to scream. But he wasn't going to mess this up. Not this time. There needed to be at least one person in this world who didn't see him as the bad guy.

The redhead put on his dark red jacket and pulled out an umbrella out of one of its pockets and held it out to him. "C'mon," the boy flashed his bright smile again. His grin was the only thing that was lighting up the dark room. 

"No," Bakugou glared at him. "Do you not know what that means? No means no."

"But I want to walk with you!" When he said that, the blond's resistance crumbled down. Bakugou could hear the blood pounding in his ears, drowning out the heavy droplets of rain. He was sure that if he talked at that moment, he would've stumbled over his words.

So he just grunted and held the door open for the cashier. 

"What's your name?" The redhead asked cheerfully, looking satisfied with his answer. "I'm Kirishima Eijirou!"

Kirishima. That was the name of the mountain he used to climb with his parents before that happened. Kirishima Eijirou.

"Bakugou Katsuki," he muttered, waiting for the redhead-Kirishima to lock the doors. 

"An explosive name for an explosive person," Kirishima joked, laughing. Bakugou rolled his eyes again. "That's a nice name, Bakugou Katsuki."

His name on the redhead's tongue sounded so right. It felt like they were in a movie when the boy opened the umbrella and handed it to Bakugou. The blond glanced at the redhead, who was cautiously touching his spikey hair. Even with the hair, he was just a tiny bit shorter than Bakugou. He couldn't explain why, but he liked that.

When they started walking into the rain, it really did feel like there was nobody else in the world except the two of them.

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