🇮🇹language of love🇮🇹

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Setting-(this was a request) lance and Pidge speaking in Spanish and Italian arguing.

Pidge POV:

"Dannazione!" I cursed. I come from Italy although, I don't speak it often. Sometimes if I'm mad or are speaking quickly it comes out in Italian. Lance was on the other side of the room along with Keith.

"What did you say?" Lance questioned raising an eyebrow, I shrugged. "Nothing, why?" He glared, "your saying it wrong." I crossed my arms and scoffed. "Excuse me? You don't look fluent in Italian to me. Latino boy." I looked him up and down. "Well, shorty, I do know Italian. Mi padre taught me and my siblings. And your saying it wrong." I glared back. "Che me dici di te ma fuori!" (How about you but out!) He gasped, "excuse me?! Como te atreves, pequeña paloma!" (How dare you, tiny pigeon!)

I stood there in annoyance. "Dear Lance McLain, if you do not get out of my face this instant I will prendi a calci dove fa male e poi ti lascio morto!" (Kick you where it hurts then leave you there dead!) he shakes his fist, "so help me you perro sucio I will make you suffer!" Before I could throw back an insult, Keith chimed in. "Oh shut up and kiss already!" He crossed his arms. "..." no words were formed between all of us. Keith shrugged, "if you don't kiss her I will." And with that Lance yanked me by the collar of my jumper, smashing his lips onto mine. "There we go, time to inform Shiro his plan worked." Keith left the room, leaving just me and lance.

I blushed obviously, "pigeon, I love you and I didn't tell you cause I was scared. I'm sorry please forgive me for kissing you!" I hugged him and he tensed. "I love you too, ya goofball." I cuddled to his warm chest. "Thanks Keith." I whispered.

Language of love, heh, and pizza.

326 words, I love practicing my Italian, it's so fun. This was a request and I liked it, it probably wasn't one of my best though heh. Thankyou and bye!💚

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