The Asteroid

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Frisk POV

I wake up and place a hand on my head, feeling a bruise. "O-Ouch..., " I look around suspiciously. "Where am I anyway..." I say as I stand up and look up from where I crashed. " I supposed to get back up there..." I then walk into a dark and drippy cave. "Lets see if I can find anything in here..." I keep walking and I find a big door, staring at it for a while before going in.
Up ahead I can see a pile of stardust. As I walk up closer, I notice how quiet and lonely it is in here. I reach the pile of stardust and a floating-rock looking object jumps up at me while smiling. I step back a bit as it starts to speak. "Hi, I'm Aster... Aster the Asteroid! Hmm.... Your new to the Asteroid Belt... Aren'tcha?" I stare silently in confusion. "Golly, you must be so confused!.. Someone ought to teach ya how things work around here! I guess little old me will have to do.." I calmly get closer to the Asteroid and tilt my head. "Ready? Here we go!" I feel heaviness around my heart as it appears in front of me. "See that heart in front of you? Thats your SOUL, the very culmination of your being." I stare at it, a bit chilled. "Your SOUL starts off weak, but it can grow stronger if you gain alot of LV. Whats LV stand for? Why LOVE of course! You want some LOVE dont you? Dont worry, I'll share some with you." White pellets surround the Asteroid as he tells me what they are. "LOVE is spread through....... Little white.... friendliness pellets... Are you ready? Move around get as many as you can!" I slowly touch one as a shock of pain shoots through me. I scream in pain because of how badly it hurt as an evil grin spreads across the Asteroids face. "YoU iDioT... In ThIs wOrLd ItS KilL oR Be KilLeD.. WHy WoUld ANYONE pAsS up An OpPortUniTy LikE ThIs??" I see a bar next to me with the words HP on to it, it says 1. "That must be my health bar!" Millions of the the white pellets surround me as I get scared. "I-I dont wanna die!" I thought to myself. "DIE!" The Asteroid yelled happily. A glittery flame suddenly bursts out at the Asteroid and the Asteroid flys out of the scene. "Ahk!!" I look up in surprise. "Are you ok my child? What horrible creature torturing such a small and innocent soul... Come child... I'll guide you through the catacombs.."

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