Ch4 Destroyer's revenge and treat

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Error woke up with a large pain in his chest. He checked his soul to see a new crack had formed. He scowled as the voice gasped.

"Damnit you stupid voice! I told you ink couldn't be trusted! I could have put him back on weeks of work in that one day but you just had to talk me out of it."

Wait error. I'm sure ink didn't lie. There is probably a good reason-

Error's soul cracked again and he groaned in pain.

"No. I have to get to work now."

But error-

Error rushed through a portal into the au ink had made just as ink added the finishing touches. He turned around to see error standing there. And what he saw shattered his soul. Error soul was slwoly going back into his ribcage but error didn't seem to notice as he grinned smugly at ink. Ink stepped back and gulped. Ink had seen.the two crack in error soul and he could tell they were fresh.

"Error. This isn't what it looks li-" He didn't get to finish as he was blasted backwards by a gaster blaster. He recovered in time to see error erase the au. Ink's eyes went wide as error stood there grinning at him. Error held his hand out and ink was captured by bones.

"Heh. To think i almost trusted you when you said you wouldn't create. But guess i was wrong. Your nothing but a dirty liar. No wonder you broke your promise. Only a idiot would break there word to someone as powerful as me. Too bad though. At least i can prove the voice was wrong." Before ink could explain error decked him across the face. Then error turned around, made a portal, and jumped through back into the antivoid as the bones on ink dissapeared. Once he landed he smirked and sat on his hammock waiting for the voice.

Why would you do that?! That au was barely 40 minutes old!

"Thats how it works. When ink creates a new au i tear it apart."

...why not just destroy an old au?

"Because i have a thankless job. So why not have some fun instead and make ink watch as all his hard work goes down the drain."

That's horrible!

"Oh boo hoo. I was torn away from my happy life by someone i really trusted, dumped in a place i didn't want to be, Trapped in a job i never wanted to do, and forced to keep a multiverse alive that hates me! I must be a bad guy right?! Because being forced to do something instantly makes you a villian!"

Error.. I didn't mean to-

"Goddamn you are the most annoying voice out of all of them. At least the others were useful! They mave have yelled at me all the time but at least they taught me how to kill! All you've done is bitch and complain. You are by far the most annoying thing i have ever heard."

...But i didn't mean to-

"I don't care what you meant to do! All you have accomplished is making me give up a once in a lifetime chance and pissing me off worst than i have been in years. I think i haven't been this pissed since the first time i met ink. Now i am going to go to sleep. And while i do you are going to shut the hell up and leave me alone."

Without waiting for a response error laid down and went to sleep.


Error woke up with a yawn and got out of bed with a grin. He had just had a dream of him actually winning a fight against ink, dream, and blue without taking a single scratch. Sad it was just a dream though. As error got ready he realized that he heard something strange. Silence. Once more the antivoid was quiet. As error's grin grew wider he made a portal to under fell with a smile. What better way to celebrate than with some chocolate. He sneaked up to the fell bro's door but saw a sign on it. It was a arrow pointing to grillby's. He questioned it for a bit before shrugging and walking inside. He searched the entire house but there was no chocolate in sight. Damnit! Those bastards must have taken it with them when they left for patrol. Unless...they hid it in grillby's! Those sneaky bastards! Error teleported outside grillby's and crept inside. He snuck into the back room and saw a small bucket with chocolate inside. There was a paper on it but he threw it aside not caring what it said. It was probably just telling fell grillby not to let error get it or something. Error smiled as he made a portal into the anti void and jumped inside. He should have looked at the paper though because it was actually an apology from fell and edge for everything they had done to him and a invitation to come with them to a dinner at toriels. Grillby came in moments later and saw the paper on the ground and no trace of the chocolate. He picked the paper up and sighed. He had been watching from the kitchen and saw how error had thrown it aside without a care. At least he seemed happy with the chocolate. Now grillby had to tell fell and edge....shit.

Hope ye enjoyed. Next chapter in like 2 weeks......i hope. Also winky in.......maybe 4 chapters

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