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No One's POV:

Hyunjin was still ignoring Seungmin when they are walking back home. Seungmin noticed it so he tried asking Hyunjin if he was okay.

"I'm okay. Just a little bit tired" was the only words Hyunjin said. Seungmin know that something was bugging his boyfriends mind so he decided on forcing the older to spill the tea.

"I know you, Jinnie, so please tell me what's wrong" Seungmin said.

"I already said it was nothing. I just need some rest" Hyunjin replied with an exhausted voice making Seungmin give up on persuading his boyfriend from confessing.

"Okay. But I will be on Felix's place coz he asked me if we can hang out. I'll just tell them you can't come. Rest well, Jinnie" Seungmin kissed Hyunjin on his lips before entering his house so he can change on his casual  clothes.

Hyunjin continued to walk until he reach his own house. He went straight to his room and changed from his uniform to a more comfortable set of clothing.

He was thinking about Seungmin. He loved him so much and he will do anything to make him happy. He knows that Seungmin love him as well but he keeps on getting jealous because of Felix. Because of Seungmin's past feelings for Felix.

The first few months of their relationship was good. Hyunjin was always giving time for them to have dates and bonding. He was so caring and thoughtful. He did anything that Seungmin asked. If the younger wants to watch some movies, he will treat him to the cinema. If Seungmin wants to have some outdoor date, Hyunjin takes him to a picnic, he even brought him to a mountain one time so they can do hiking.

Seungmin was his priority. But the question that runs in his mind was:

Does Seungmin prioritize him too?

Aside from Hyunjin, Seungmin have his friends, Jisung, Jeongin and Felix. He also has his brother Woojin and he was very close with the boyfriends of his friends. On the other hand, Hyunjin only had Chan and Minho, which are busy with their boyfriends.. He was not close with Woojin and even with Jisung and Felix. Changbin was not very fond of people except for the trio. And Jeongin, let's just say that they are still not in good terms even though the issue was resolved.

Hyunjin was staring at the ceiling while he was thinking of a certain thought.

What if Seungmin became tired of him?

This idea made him feel pain. He can't do anything about this. Because he is afraid. Afraid of losing his beloved Seungmin if he tried confronting him.

He stood up from his bed and wore a black hoodie. It is already 6:30 PM and he decided to go to a nearby cafe. He took his phone and called someone.

"Can you meet me at the cafe on XXXX street? Thank you. I really need someone to talk to right now" Hyunjin said to a specific someone on the phone.

Hello guys... So the character that Hyunjin was talking to was not another kpop idol from other group. I don't want to see other idols messing with my Seungjin coz I love those idols so much to the point that I can't forgive myself if I include them. I hope you get it. So it means that Hyunjin will be associated with a character I made up.

Any thoughts about the story?

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