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^^^^^Eaven ^^^^^

I laid in the road struggling to breath. My only thought was of my baby who laid at home waiting for me. I was walking home when some guy hit me with his car and continued to drive away not caring for me or my wellbeing.

"Ce avem noi aici?"(What do we have here?) I heard a voice ask. Soon two figures looked down at me. One blonde and another with darker hair. My vision had blurred now and I waited to black out.

"O asemenea frumusețe nu ar trebui să se risipească."(Such beauty shouldn't go to waste.) The blond said. The brunette crouched down next to me and he frowned.

"Nu-ți face griji pentru dor. Totul va fi bine."(Don't worry Miss. Everything will be fine." And that's when the burning began. I let out a scream and the two looked shocked. Soon the burning vanished and I shot up and stared at the two, now healed.

"Thank you." I smiled. "You just saved me from laying here until morning." Now getting a decent look at the two I saw they had deep red eyes and Paul skin. I could very easily see they where vampires.

"What are you?" The blonde asked. So they know English.

"Oh I'm a banshee. I can guess your both vampires." I giggled. "Sorry. I was hunting and got hit by some guy. Sorry if you smelled my blood." I said slowly getting up. I looked at my watch before quickly grabbing my bag that had been dropped. "Vă mulțumesc din nou, dar trebuie să plec. Trebuie să-mi scot grija de copilul meu."(Thank you again but i must go. I have to relieve my babysitter.) I waved as I left the confused men behind me. I hurried home and paid the teen girl a 20 note and she left. I walked upstairs to my daughters room. I kissed my newborn baby's head and turned off her nightlight. I walked to down to the kitchen and went over to the basement door. I unlocked it and walked down the cement steps. I flicked on the light before making my way over to the large fridge. It could easily fit 7 or 8 bodies. I unlocked the padlock and opened the freezer and looked at the content, frowning. Not much left. I opened my bag and put the four blood bags in my bag into the fridge. As a Banshee I had to eat human hearts. But since my daughter was so young she had to live off blood until she got teeth. I shut the fridge and locked it again. I'd have to get twice as much tomorrow. I walked up the steep steps and locked the basement door behind me. I walked to the living room and jumped seeing two familiar Vampires.

"What are you doing here!?" I yelled.

"We got curious. It's not everyday you get to see a Banshee. Especially here. Legends say your supposed to be in Ireland and Scotland." The blonde smirked.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Vladimir." The blonde smiled taking my hand and kissing my knuckles. "The man who bit you is Stefan." I nodded over to him.

"My name is Eaven. My daughter is April." I said as I sat on the sofa.

"Daughter?" Stefan asked.

"Yes. She is asleep." I said. I saw Vladimir look to the stairs. "Even thing about it and I will rip out unbeating heart before I set you on fire alive. I am a lot older, wiser and smarter than you." I growl.

"I doubt that." Stefan chuckled.

"1984 BC." I grin. "That was the year I was born. They both where surprised.

"I was one of the first Banshees." I smiled. "I do miss the old days." I sigh happily. Just as Vladimir opened his mouth the sound of crying filled the house. I got up and walked up the stairs and into Aprils room. I smiled down at the small girl and scooped her up. I rocked her gently and walked back downstairs. The two stood there whispering.

"What are you doing?" I looked at them confused.

"Would one of you hold her while I make her a bottle?" I asked as April tugged lightly at my hair.

"Sure." Stefan shrugged and took the baby. I hurried to the basement and grabbed a blood bag and locked up again before hurrying to the kitchen and cutting open the bag and tipping it into a bottle. I place it into the microwave and walked back to the living room and went to take April back when Stefan growled at me.

"It seems my Coven mate has found his mate in your daughter." Vladimir said and I growled feeling my eyes burn red.

"Give her to me now!" I snapped but Stefan continued to growl at me. I took a deep breath and screamed shattering all windows and glass in the house and the vampires to fall there skin cracking but I stopped before I could kill them. I picked up my giggling baby. She loved when I screamed. "You will do well to remember to never take a Banshee's  child." I growl at the brunette. I walked to the kitchen and saw the now broken microwave. I sigh and grabbed the bottle and felt it. It was slightly warm. It was better than nothing. I held it to Aprils lips and she gladly drank away at the blood. I walked into the living room as the Vampires slowly got up.

"Well. I think we should speak about something's." Vladimir said.

"What?" I asked.

"Well we was going to ask you anyway but now April is my mate we must insist you come and stay with us." Stefan said.

"No." I said. "I think that is a terrible idea."

"Why is that?" Vladimir asked.

"I have to hunt at least once a week for myself. I need a lot of blood to feed April until she gets teeth. Then I'll be starting her on small organs until she has a full set of teeth. Then she can have a Banshees normal diet." I said. "If I stay with you, it will only be a matter of time before you are found and for humans to figure things out. The police are not as stupid as it seems." I sigh as April finished her bottle. Her eyes glow red slightly before she closed them, falling asleep. Stefan looked sad and a little on edge and I sat next to him. He smiled down at my daughter.

"Your hunting we can help cover up, and as for blood we have a connection with a local hospital. I'm sure we can have them send some blood bags." He said and Stefan nodded.

"If your sure then alright."

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