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It was four days before I could use my arms and legs properly again. Now I always had one of my children in my arms. I loved them all. While Caius and Aro was looking into what happened at the ball. Marcus had been continuing with Aprils lessons. Mary and Caitlin stayed until they was sure I was alright before going home. I mainly staid with the twins and April. Caius made sure we was never without a guard. Stefan was with April no matter what. Felix was always with me and the twins where either with Demetri, Jane, Vladimir or Caius. It had been just over a week since they where born and they seemed to be growing just like a human. Caius guessed it was the Banshee gene slowing down there ageing. I kept a record of everything. I was sat in the twins room helping April read a book Marcus had given her. It was a book I had read a lot. April had already red all the children's books and was now working through the more complicated reading.

"Ap-Apl-App-" April struggled

"Sound it out sweeting." I smiled.

"Ap-re-hen-sive. Apprehensive." She smiled up at me. I giggled at her, seeing how proud she looked. That's when I heard yelling. I looked up towards the door. Stefan went to move but I grabbed his arm.

"You and Demetri stay with the kids." I got up and kissed Aprils head. I walked out the room and listened carefully.

"Tell us or we'll search the whole castle." I heard a rough voice. He had an accent I just could pin where it was from.

"You won't touch them." Caius? I hurried to the end of the hall and peeked around the corner seeing vampires standing there. There was at least 6, all with dark hair and red eyes.

"Well Caius. Your mate and children will be found soon and we will make you watch as we tear them apart." Russia. I could hear it clearer in the woman's voice. I hurried back to the nursery.

"You need to get the kids out." I whispered. "There are Russians here. There looking for us. Me and the kids." Vladimir silently walked into the room.

"You need to run." He said.

"I already know." I said and picked up Aspen handing him to Vladimir. "Take my children to one of my homes. You have spare keys for all of them. Don't tell me which one incase they have some sort of mind reader. Keep moving and keep them safe."

"What about you?" Stefan asked as he picked up a scared looking April.

"I need to get Caius and then I'll find you." I said kissing Aprils cheek. "Keep your brothers safe." She nodded and I ran over to the window. I pushed it open and looked around. I took a deep breath not smelling anything unusual. I hurried to the door joining the nursery to my bedroom. I grabbed a bag pack and shoved in passports and money I had hidden. I put it on Aprils back. I looked up to the two men who took me in.

"We'll keep them safe." I nodded and kissed Aprils head and Aspen and Hunters cheeks. "Be careful." Was all they said as they quickly jumped out the window with my children. I watched as they made it out the castle grounds and far away.


It was only half an hour until they found me. I was sat in my room reading a book. The door was locked and barricaded but the smashed there way in.  I looked up at them bored. In honesty I expected more.

"Look at this. Unprotected and alone." I sigh and got up putting my book away.

"I expected more to be honest with you. It took you just over half an hour to find me. In that time I've made sure my children are safe, read two books and changed my clothes." I said and the three standing there looked angry and confused. "My children aren't here."

"Oh, and where might they be?" He asked. I just glared at him. "Oh how rude of me. My name is Peter. This is my Coven." He grabbed me and I sighed as he carried me down the stair. Halfway down I had enough.  Took a deep breath before screaming as high pitch as possible. I was dropped. I continued to scream as I got up, watching the vampires laying on the flood withering. I slammed my foot into all there heads killing them. I grabbed Peters ankle and dragged him to the thrown room. I stopped screaming taking a deep breath. I kicked open the door and looked to the three kings being held to the ground. There was at least twenty here.

"What the hell is going on!?" I yelled. They turned to me and hiss as I toss there boss on the ground in front of me. "Oh shut it or I'll kill you like I did with the others." I felt hands grab my arms, pinning them behind my back. I looked to Caius and winked. The three looked confused. I took a deep breath and screamed as long as I could. While the vampires fell to the ground I walked around and smashed there heads. Avoiding the guard members and kings. I stopped holding my chest, panting. Jane and Alec ran at Jane and pinned him down. Felix went round the room putting the dead vampires into a pile. Caius ran to me helping me stand as I took deep breaths.

"I think you over did it a little sweetie." He said, kissing my head. "But thank you. Where are the children?"

"Stefan. Vladimir. Demetri. They took them. There safe." I pant and he nodded. He sat me on his thrown as Peter chuckled at us.

"Your children should have staid dead." I just looked at him in pure anger.

"What is you problem with me?" I asked. "What did I do to make you want to kill my children?"

"You was the one who put the venom in her drink." Marcus said. I turned to Peter who chuckled.

"You are a smart one now aren't you. You see you knew my older brother. He came from England. He took such good care of me. That was until you and your sisters came along. You slaughtered him for what? Because he used your sisters for sex."He laughed darkly. "He even kept a note book on how good they were. How much I loved to read it and laugh at what he wrote. None of them pleasure him the way he liked." I growled and shot to my feet. "What? Going to scream?" I plunged my hand into his chest and ripped out the unbeating heart and watched it turn to dust. He screamed in pain. The twins let him go to wither in pain on the floor. I stared on to his leg and broke it off.

"Your a sick bastard. Just like you pathetic brother. You have a tantrum and try to kill two unborn children. Try me. Try kill me." I snapped as I kicked him in the side, him hitting the wall. "You want to try and kill my children and mate. Your going to have to kill me first."

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