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Silence hung in the air like the Sword of Damocles. The Rusk family were all sitting around the kitchen table, each lost in thought.

​Katie studied her parents faces. Her mum looked pale and tired. Katie understood the fear and worry etched all over her mother's face, because she couldn't remember ever feeling as utterly petrified as she did right now. Her father was wringing his hands so quickly it looked like he'd just finished washing them, and was in the process of drying off. His dark eyes seemed so alive, and Katie knew he was gearing up to make the decision as to whether to try and remove some of the walls bricks tonight or leave it until the morning.

​Alex sat next to Amber. The youngest member of the family had found herself some pencils and was busily covering an A4 sheet of paper with a multitude of different shaped eyes. She stopped drawing long enough to look up at Katie and smile brightly. She seemed to be the only one not affected by what had happened and Katie envied her so much.

​Katie nodded at Alex, hoping he'd feel her support. Instead, he lowered his head and rested it on the table, leaving his arms to hang loosely by his sides. Katie thought she could hear him sobbing quietly, and for the first time in months, if not years, she felt sorry for him.

​Mrs. Rusk stood up, pushed her chair away from her, and grimaced as the loud scraping noise echoed around the room. "Sorry," she offered, as she began to gather up the empty mugs and place them in the sink.
​Once done, she turned to face her family. "Michael, it's too late to do anything tonight. Let's sleep on it and see how we feel in the morning. The kids need to go to bed."

​Mr. Rusk, although desperate to get started, nodded. He knew his wife was apprehensive, but he wanted her on his side. Far better to go along with her suggestion tonight, than alienate her to the entire process. Besides, Alex could certainly do with a rest, and he'd probably feel a lot better after a good nights sleep, although Mr. Rusk doubted whether anybody would be able to achieve that. 

​"Do you want me to take Amber up mum?" Katie asked helpfully.

​"Yes darling. That would be great. I'll take Alex up in a bit. Give you time to use the loo."

​Alex slammed his fists onto the table. "I'm not a baby. I can take myself to bed," he said loudly, as he got to his feet and hurried out the room.

​"He's recovered quickly," Mr. Rusk said sarcastically.

​Katie laughed. "He's just being macho. I bet he's still pooping his pants."

​"That's naughty Katie, isn't it?" Amber pointed out, as she screwed up her sheet of paper and casually aimed it at the metal bin under the sink.

​Katie watched as the paper hit the rim, seemed about to drop away, but somehow fell inside instead. "Great shot," she shouted, waving her arms from side to side like a cheerleader.

​"I never get it in normally," Amber said, as she jumped down from the table and went to check for herself. "Wow!" she giggled and went to sit on her mum's lap.

​"You'll be a huge netball star at school this year," her mum said proudly.

​"I'm playing football and chess," Amber corrected. "The ring thing is too high for me just now. My teacher told me."

​"You'll soon grow tall enough poppet," Katie informed her. "I was small until I hit ten, and then whoosh. Up I went."

​"Will I go whoosh soon?" Amber asked.
​"Most definitely."

​"It sounds like fun."

​"Oh it is Amber. It really is. Now come on, let's get you to bed," Katie suggested.

​"Story!" Amber hinted.

​"Story," Katie agreed, as Amber jumped down from her mum's knees and came to take hold of her hand.

​"Don't sit up all night girls," their father said. "You need a good night's sleep if we're going to start knocking out bricks in the morning."

​Katie smiled at Amber, who made a motion as if she was hitting the wall with a hammer. "Big muscles eh?" Katie joked.

​"Like footballs," Amber said, grinning broadly.

​In the bedroom, Katie barely made it past page two of Beauty and the Beast when she heard Amber snoring gently. She put the book down, leaned over and kissed her little sister's cheek. "Love you," she whispered, before she got up and walked through to her own bedroom.

​Despite the excitement of the day and the terror of the evening, Katie felt like she could sleep for a week. She couldn't be bothered to brush her teeth, or to wash her hands and face. All she wanted to do was get her PJ's on and fall into bed.

​Climbing under her duvet, she pulled it up around her chin, and snuggled down into the soft mattress. She could feel the tension leave her body almost immediately, and her eyelids grew heavier and heavier, until she could no longer keep them open.

​As she drifted deeper and deeper into the mysterious world of sleep, she found herself falling down a deep dark hole. She wasn't scared at all, instead she felt calm, relaxed and peaceful. As she fell deeper and deeper into the hole, children of all shapes and sizes appeared to be clinging to the surface, each reaching out to her, trying to take hold of her hands, or touch her hair.

​The children were all healthy, smiling at her. Some were singing nursery rhymes and were dancing where they hung.

​Katie tried to slow her fall down by flapping her arms like a bird. Many of the children laughed at her actions, and she laughed too.
​Faster and faster she fell, deeper and deeper she went.

​Then the children changed.

​Gone was the singing, to be replaced by a haunting muttering sound. No more the smiling faces, or the love held in their eyes. Now the children were decaying, fear filled their eyes, and they were full of anger. Katie could feel their hatred burning her flesh.

​As she fell, the children were still reaching out at her. Still trying to grab hold of her hands, although this time, Katie understood they wanted to rip her to pieces.

​Katie woke up screaming.

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