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//well do these if you want

"If you really cared about me, you'd do what I'm asking."

"Don't you trust me?"

"I wish I never met you, honestly."

"You're the reason I'm upset."

"I guess you just don't love me enough."

"Whatever. It's not like I care."

"I could just leave, you know."

"Do you like them more than me?"

"Who have you been talking to?"

"I would do anything to make you happy, I just want you to do the same for me."

"You have to tell me. Not telling me is just as bad as lying."

"It would be so easy for me to find someone else."

"If you loved me, you'd tell me."

"It's like you don't even care about me."

"Nobody really cares about me, not even you."

"If you leave me, I don't want to even think about what I'll do."

"I've made sacrifices for you, now you have to do the same."

"I'll never forgive you."

"I never said that. You're trying to confuse me."

"I think you hate me."

"I would do anything for you, so why wouldn't you do the same?"

"If you don't do this, it's because you don't love me."

"You were there for them, but not me?"

"I'm wasting my time with you."

"Well, I guess I'm just useless, aren't I?"

"I know you didn't say it, but you were thinking it."
"You hate me. I know you do."

"You can't convince me I'm not just a burden to you."

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