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Chapter 1

As I walked into San Jose st Bonaventure Hospital I was met with the chatter of patients and doctors sprawled about the place. The smell of cleaner and coffee filled my nose as I passed by the mini cafe.  I looked at my watch to see the time. 'Damn it'. Two days in a row I've turned up late and Dr. Andrews was never happy about that. Sooner or later I'm going to end up fired and I'm pretty sure he'll get someone to replace me quickly. Without hesitation, I ran past many people trying to avoid running into them. I sped around a corner and into the locker rooms to grab my lab coat. 

'Locker 31...Locker 37...Locker 39...Locker 41...Locker 43!'  I said as I thought to myself. Once I arrived at my locker I quickly unlocked it and grabbed out my lab coat. Without thinking I closed the locker and slid my coat on. I was going to get in so much trouble I didn't really have time to think. Quickly I began to run through the room and to the door. Before I even left the room I froze in place and felt my pocket, to my surprising luck my name tag was in the small pocket.  As I left the room I looked both ways before running to the medical block. People I passed didn't seem to happy, but I didn't really care at that moment. As I arrived the first face I met was Dr. Andrews. I slowed down as I approached him and put my arms to my side and took in a deep breath.

"Listen, I'm sorry. The Elevator wasn't working and-"  My excuse was interrupted by the voice of Dr. Andrews.

"I don't want to hear it. We have a new surgical resident and I'd like for you to meet him since you didn't make it to the meeting"  Mentally I facepalmed myself, but on the outside, I gave a slight smile.

He turned around and looked at the young man who walked up behind with his hands folded together. I gulped and began to mess with the sleeve of my coat because of the nervousness that filled my chest.

"Hello My name is Doctor Shaun Murphy, I'm a new surgical resident here"  Shaun only gave eye contact a few times as he spoke. My heart skipped a beat while hearing his voice.

"So-So I've heard"  I mentally curse myself at my rudeness and shakiness coming off of my voice. Shaun rose a brow trying to comprehend my wording. 

"Dr. (L/N), that was rude of you"  My face grew red as my eyes went wide. Dr. Anderson was right and I felt so awful. I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed.

"My apologies" Quickly I walked off and grabbed my log sheet. I made my way to my first patient.  The sheet in front of me listed the symptoms and the patient's information.

Name: Kathrine Davis

Age: 17

Sex: Female

Height: 5'6

Weight: 121.5

Symptoms: Stomach cramps, Vomiting,nausea, diarrhea, and bloating.

Not unusual to see in young girls, but the family is quite concerned. 

I walked into the room and met her with a smile. Although she returned one that wasn't as pleasant as mine. Next to her sat an office chair, so I sat next to her and laid my log sheet upon my lap. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Dr.Murphy came into the room with his hands crossed as usual. His move me joy, but it also infuriated me. There was no room for anytype of admiration here, especially in a medical facility.

"Hello Dr. (Y/N). Dr. Anderson assigned me to watch you for the day so I can understand the concepts of working here" A sigh left my lips that I didn't know I had in me. Shaun awkwardly stepped back and went to my right side.

"So sweetheart, you seem to be experiencing Stomach cramps, Vomiting nausea, diarrhea, and bloating? Is this correct?" The girl shifted on the bed to prop herself up more. Something about her seemed off, but I couldn't quite tell what it was.

"Y-yes. I think it may be the flu. I can't keep anything down in the mornings and sometimes at night" She brushed a hair behind her ear and looked down.

"This sounds like Irritable bowel syndrome."  I began to mark down possible solutions to her "diagnosis". There were a few options, but this happened to be the closest idea.

"That would be wrong. Have you been sexually active?" Shaun blurted out as he looked up at the lights. Kathrine's eyes went wide and she shifted uncomfortably. 

"Y-Yes...I have" Then it clicked.

"Dr. (Y/N) can you call for an ultrasound?"  Without realizing it I rolled my eyes and walked out of the room.

Moments later I came back rolling in a ultrasound machine. Shaun began to lean the girls' bed back and began to prep her. Since this was my patient, that was my job to do. After plugging in the machine Shaun moved out of my way so I could get ready for the examination.

"I'm going to cover your lower half with the blanket and I'd like you to pull the gown up to below your breast please" She nodded and began to do as she was told. Shaun looked away as to be a gentleman and not seem like a creep.

"I'm going to place this cold gel on your stomach so we can get a look and see if there's anything there" Once again the girl nodded at me and gave an awkward smile. Carefully I placed the monitor stick across her stomach, and just as Shaun had suspected it was positive.

"You are pregnant, just as I suspected"  Kathrine began to weep and cry. I grabbed a wet rag and began to get the gel off of her stomach trying to be as careful as possible.

"You will be alright." Shaun tried to comfort her. It wasn't doing much, she just cried harder.

"No, my parents are going to kill me"  She wiped the tears off of her face and tried to catch herself. Shaun sat down on the office chair and began to relax as I went to wheel out the machine.

After a bit I came back into the room and began to place more information on her log sheet. Shaun seemed to be very happy with his diagnosis. I just shoved it off and began working.

"You should make a call to your parents. They must know or we will contact them"  Shaun said to her, she sniffled a bit as she grabbed her phone. I took my gloves off and tossed them into the trash. Kathrine set her phone aside and gave out a long sigh. 

"What did they say"  She sat up a bit and wiped her eye once more.

"They aren't mad, just disappointed. They will be here soon" Shaun stood up and smiled as I nodded. 

"Let me know if you need anything, Just press the button here and I-" I looked to Shaun and mentally cursed myself.

"-We will be here"  She smiled as the two of us left the room. With the log in my hand I placed it on the door next to her room and went to go sit down. It seemed like things were going weird today. My chest had felt heavy, and somehow I felt pure joy for no reason, but it wasn't right. 

"Dr. (Y/N), why do you seem so upset with me"  All my thoughts ran through and it began to irritate me.

"Leave me alone" Quickly I stood up and walked off. I wasn't sure where I was going, but somewhere away from him so I can think.

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