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Chapter 4

~Shaun's P.O.V~

It hadn't been long after Dr. (L/N) left before I heard a scream.  My heart began to feel weird and I got a little concerned. I turned from the table and fumbled for the phone that I had on the counter charging. When I grabbed it I dialed the number of Dr. Glassman. It rang for a bit before he answered.

"Shaun? Why are you calling at this hour?"  He sounded very tired as if he was asleep before I had called.

"Dr. Glassman, come check on your niece. She has screamed in pain and It was very concerning"  Aaron coughed a bit and you could hear him move on the other side of the phone.

"Why can't you go check on her? What happened?"  I rolled my eyes and groaned a bit in annoyance.

"I will not go and talk to her. She is mad at me and I am mad at her"  Aaron sighed and I smiled. My point was proven and I felt happy.

"Okay, I'll be there soon"  Quickly I hung up and went to my clothes. I grabbed a shirt and pajama pants and changed into them. It was late so I decided to go to bed. When I laid down my eyes started to drift shut without me realizing it.


 The sun began to shine through my window as my first alarm went off. With a smile, I stood up and went to take a shower. The water was warm on my back, I liked that. After a bit, my next alarm went off so I went to get dressed. When I went to dress I packed a small bag of things that I'm going to need, that included clothes.  Another alarm went off signaling me to begin brushing my teeth. I liked having a set time because a routine keeps you from being late. After that, I put my bag on my back and went into the kitchen to grab an apple. It was a green one, a bit sour but not too bad. I began eating it as I made my way out of the apartment. As I walked out I was met with (Y/N). She looked tired and disheveled.  

Both of us got into the elevator together. I didn't look at her at all though. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her looking at me every once in a while. Something felt weird and joyous when she did it, but I couldn't enjoy her presence because I was mad at her. 

The elevator didn't take too long to get down so we were out and away from each other quickly. I did my normal and went to sit at the bus stop seat outside of the apartment. Before I could sit down I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Shaun, do you want a ride?"  (Y/N) seemed happy and okay with talking to me. It wasn't okay.

"No, I do not need a ride. I can take the bus on my own"  She looked at me a bit annoyed and rolled her eyes as she walked off. I felt happy with her reaction, but I also felt upset as well. I don't know what the feeling is called, but I don't like it. Eventually, the bus arrived and I had nothing to worry about. I didn't have to see here anymore. That is until I get to the hospital.

~(Y/N's) P.O.V~

This morning was extremely rough. The alarm I had set went off at 5:30, and that only gave me around 4 hours of sleep. I got up slowly and made my way to my bathroom. My body felt very stiff from falling asleep on the couch so I tried to stretch but I strained something in my back. 'Goddamnit'. With a sigh, I began to strip down to nothing and got into the shower.

Enemies/:/ Shaun Murphy x reader~hiatus~Where stories live. Discover now