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Chapter 3

As I arrived at the apartment complex I parked my car in the same place as I always did. That was kind of a pet peeve of mine. If my parking spot was taken all hell would break loose. It sounds stupid, but that's just how I am. I like to keep things the same, I don't really like change.

After shutting my car off I made my way out and to the doors. Just as I got in the elevator doors went to shut 'They must've fixed it'. There was one person standing there. I couldn't make them out because of how far I was from them.

"Wait! Wait! hold the door!" The person just smiled as I ran and let the doors shut. 'Bastard' I groaned to myself as I stood outside the doors waiting for it to come back down. My head began to pound, it was one of my dumb stress headaches. They always killed me, and I could never sleep with them.

Soon enough the elevator came back down. This time with no one in it, thankfully. Once I stepped in I pressed the button for my floor and leaned back against the wall. The elevator began to make its way up and all I wanted to do was sleep. I just wanted to lay my aching back against the semi-soft bed I had.

Once the elevator stopped and the doors open I rushed for my keys and quickly made it to my door. As I unlocked it I was met with the smell of banana nut bread. The candle I had was on the warmer continuously making the apartment smell wonderful.

I made my way into my small kitchen and dropped my bag onto the counter. There was probably no hope for sleep tonight so I decided to make me some coffee. Above me, I grabbed the coffee grounds and filter and placed it on the counter. The cabinet was too tall for me so I stepped up on the counter to reach my container of sugar. When I grabbed it, it felt much lighter than I thought it was. After hopping off the counter I looked inside to see none. 'Are you kidding me!'. I looked over to the clock to see it was 12:56. Feeling horrible I made my way to the hallway of the apartment and went to my neighbor. They just moved in recently so this was going to be a great first impression.

It had been a while as I stood outside the door, but finally, I worked up the confidence to knock on the door. Within seconds there were footsteps on the other side of the door and it swung open. 'Well fuck', it looked like the same man who let the elevator doors shut-.....It was Shaun...

"H-H-Hello. I'm not going to get some sleep tonight so I decided to make some coffee, but I don't have any sugar. Do you mind letting me borrow some and I'll pay you back?" He frowned and slammed the door in my face. 'Well okay'. As I went to turn around the door opened again. Shaun stood with a small ziplock bag of sugar.

"Thanks" Shaun rolled his eyes and slammed the door again. This was probably my fault.

I made my way back to my apartment and locked the door. I decided to start my coffee and turn the t.v on. It was a new t.v with many channels, and I also had Netflix so I just turned that on. Recently I had been watching (Show/Movie) and it's really good. Soon enough my coffee went off. I turned to it and grabbed a mug out from above the coffee maker. It was a simple black one with a quote on it that said 'I was the boss until I got a cat'. Just like it was meant to be, my cat jumped up on the counter next to me. Willow is a small grey cat with white on her chest and tail, and she's very talkative. Before pouring my coffee I pet her and she hopped off and made her way to the couch.

I poured a little bit of creamer into the mug and then poured the coffee. Without warning the coffee began to pour very weird and onto my hand and the floor. The coffee was extremely hot causing me to quickly put the pot back and let out a small scream. I grabbed a cloth behind me and began cleaning up the coffee that spilled as I bit my bottom lip. The pain in my hand was still there and my hand was bright red. After cleaning it up I added the sugar that Shaun let me borrow. When I got done I sat on the couch and cuddled up into a blanket, Willow came up to me and sat on my lap.

Before I could even start (TV show/ Movie), there was a knock on the door. This was a surprise to me as it was somewhere around 1 am. I moved Willow off of me and she let out a weird meow. The knocking continued even as I made my way to the door.

"Hold on, I'm coming" The interruption was quite annoying so the sound of my voice wasn't so polite. As I pulled the door open I was met with the face of Aaron. His face was full of confusion.

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?" He stood in front of me looking all behind me and around everywhere.

"Yes I'm fine, why are you here Aaron?" I moved out of the way to let him walk in. He did as I thought and I shut the door. Aaron then began to examine the house for anything suspicious.

"I got a call from...Shaun. He heard you scream and was concerned. I don't know why he didn't just check on you himself, but he called me." I felt awful, He was such a nice person and I turned everything bad already.

"I'm alright. I just burnt my hand when pouring coffee" He grabbed the hand and his eyebrows rose. My hand was a bit purple and a blister was forming over my hand, he sighed and looked up at me.

"Do you have any first aid things here?" I guided him to the bathroom and pointed to under my sink. He grabbed out the small kit and turned on the water. My hand began to throb a bit as he started to run my hand under the cold water he had just turned on. After that, he didn't pop the blisters but he put a burn ointment on it and wrapped it in gauze.

"Thank you, and thank Shaun for telling you to come to check on me" Aaron looked up at me and smiled. He nodded and put the first aid kit up.

"Be more careful with hot things" The both of us chuckled as we went to the door.

"Thank you again" He nodded and left the apartment. Something fluttered in my heart at the thought of Shaun caring at least a little bit. It was nice to know that he doesn't completely hate me. Or does he? Maybe he was just doing that to get me to be more careful and to stop being annoying? Who knows.

I made my way over to the couch where Willow sat laying on the top of the sofa. Grabbing the remote I started up the show and got under my blankets. Willow came down and laid on my lap and fell asleep again. I guess I forgot about my coffee completely because I began to drift off and didn't even think to grab it when Aaron left.

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