Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ava's P.O.V

I walked into my House at about 2 o'clock my brother jared was slumped on the couch, his light brown mop all messy standing at odd angles, his brown eyes dull and void of emotion staring at the T.V almost as if he were waiting-welcoming- the villain from the film he was watching to come out and slice him to bits. As you can see he's clearly taking the whole our dad abandoned us thing very well, dad only left month ago and still life went on. Though we were pretty lucky, we still had our mom however broken she may be. Although I could understand where she was coming from, she was with that bastard for ten years and he just left out of nowhere with a new woman with a baby on the way. As weird as it sounds I think it hit Jared the hardest, him and dad were really close, dad was his idol, his inspiration, his best friend, some one he loved and trusted and yet.

"Hey squirt how was school?" he asked interrupting my thoughts, he never once looked away from the screen tipping me off that something was up. It's been like this ever since dad left., I'll come home only to find a new bruise on his face.

"Not much." I mumbled, "Someone beat me up." I said to get his attention, his head snapped around to face me, I laughed humorlessly,"Oh no wait, that was you." My fake laughter died on my lips,"Who did you pick a fight with now? was it a friend or no maybe just some random person on the street! Huh, that's weird for a second there I didn't know who you were because the Jared I know would never get into a fight unless he had to, so please do tell me what the fuck you have been doing!?" I ranted, he stood up his eyes lit with pain, he reached up about to touch my cheek, then his hand dropped.

"It's none of your business, so stay out of it!" he yelled, his eyes held a fire, the sort of fire I had yearned to see for quite some time now, though it was a flickering flame it was a start.

"HOW IS IT NONE OF MY BUSINESS!!!" I screamed not so much because I was frustrated but more because I wanted to get some kind of emotion out f him something anything.


My eye were cold and dead as I looked into his,"You'll what? You'll start trying to beat your frustration out on me too?" I asked with no emotion evident on my face. "Never mind." I chuckled almost hysterically,"I'm going to work." His body had gone ridged and his jaw clenched as I left.

As you can imagine the ride to work was anything but pleasant, though you may have assumed I was one of those kids who wanted a job for whatever reason, but I'm not. I am the kid whose dad left her mom who was jobless to fend for her children, so I had to get a job to help out. So I work, from 2:30 to 8:00 every weekday and on the weekends from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. It's amazing I have time for anything, even more so that my friends haven't found out that my dad left, they-like you- assumed I'm just one of those teens who want a job.

I walked in to little mimi's cafe the bell ringing as the door, I noticed about ten customers total four of which being my friends trying to harass me, one being sam. My mind flashed back to earlier that very same day.

Flash back.....

"Will you help me go out with Amy?" His blue eyes looking deep into my eyes almost straight into my soul, I looked away.

"No." I turned around yanking my arm out of his grasp, how many times had this happened to me? To many for me to count, well not that he would've had a chance anyway but let's remove yet another person off of the list of guy's who aren't in love with amy, leaving it with a list of zero. Perfect, I strode to my car.

"Wait! Please!" He called after me, I swung around eyes wild.

"Oh yeah? And why should I? You don't even know the first thing about Amy!"I exclaimed raising my eyebrows in question waiting for him to tell me I'm wrong.

"I know that when I first laid eyes on her I knew I loved her!" he stated strongly, I bristled at this, that's what my dad used to say about when he first met my mom too and look how well that ended up.

I laughed and laughed clutching my stomach at the though of someone claiming to love someone else when he just met her, ridiculous. "Is that right? well if you love her so much tell me about her, what's her favorite food, color, where she wants to go to college all that fun stuff? If you can't then obviously you don't love her, you have to know someone top to bottom inside and out to be able to say honestly you love them." I raised my eyebrows in challenge, he was silent. "That's what I thought, now if you'll excuse me.." I turned back to my car.

"Sure I may not know all that..but that doesn't mean I don't love her. just please what can I do?" he pleaded standing his ground, not turning around I said.

"The only thing that would get me to help you is if you bought me a flying pony." I stated getting in my car, then I paused. "Or black mail. Good luck."

End of flashback.....

And now I have to serve him lunch....Greeeeat.

A/N: so yeah I warned you not that long so yeah I suck but hey at least I wrote :) I hope you enjoy.

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