What do I do with the body?

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Chapter 5

Ava's P.O.V

"So where am I going?" I turned to ask Sam whose lips were looking dangerously blue.

"U-u-um-m-m-m..." He stuttered shivering uncontrollably, this isn't good if I don't get him home soon he'll freeze to death.

"We're just going to go to my house because I have a feeling you won't be able to tell me where you live with that stutter, plus if we don't hurry you look like your about ten minutes away from freezing to death." I stated taking the nearest short cut to my house, I stared at his wavering figure, his blue lips, dull eyes, pale skin, slightly shivering figure. Yep he's going to die, this is bad really bad I mean where am I going to hide the body! This is not cool I barely had enough time to prepare a plan of some sort if he dies on the way there! Okay calm down and think this through so if he happens to die on the way there you drop him off in the alley back by the restaurant, beat him up and make it seem like it was those guys from before that beat him up so bad he couldn't get up hence dying of hypothermia. Yeah that's perfect.

"Okay hang on we're almost there." I glanced over at him noticing he was no longer shivering, which is a sign that your body is starting to shut down.

oh cheese balls oh my freaking cheese balls. I was just kidding about the body thing, oh man pleeeeeeaaaase don't die on me. Stupid lolipopin car doesn't have working heat what is up with that, I slammed my foot on the gas flying through street after street. I kept slapping his face to keep him awake his eyes fluttering open every now and again, pulling into my driveway I slammed on the breaks.

I tore open the passenger door unbuckling him and pulling him out, I put his arm around my neck and helped him to the front door. I don't understand why he's so cold right now, I was out in the rain to and I'm fine aside from the occasional shiver. I tried to open the large wooden door but it was locked so I banged on it.

"JARED!! COME ON JARED OPEN UP PLEASE!!" I screamed desperately, his head lolled against my shoulder and I was struggling to hold him up. Bad day to forget your key, I smacked his face hard his eyes fluttered open for a second.

"Come on please just stay awake..please...." I pleaded, adrenalin surged through me as I realized if I didn't get him help soon he was going to die. I kept slamming my free fist against the door switching a few times between the doorbell and door.

"JARED!" I screamed, 'PLEASE OPEN THE DOOR HE'LL DI-!" my voice cracked and I started to cry. Stop being such a baby Ava if you don't he'll die, I sat us down took off his drenched jacket, I unzipped mine bringing his arms towards me and wrapping them around my back under my jacket zipping it up behind him. I'm so glad I wear big jackets, I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried his face in my shoulder. Jesus he's fucking freezing, well this is certainly not how I expected the rest of my day to go, where the freak is Jared anyways? I swear to god if he was inside the whole time he's going to wish he was dead when I'm through with him.

I don't know how long we were out there for but it felt like forever even the rain had stopped. The panic started to rise in my chest the only thing stopping me from freaking out completely is the fact that I could feel his breath on my cheek steadily increasing. I was about to get up and start knocking again before I heard the turning of a knob. Out walks Jared headphones in and blaring, he stopped and stared me wide eyed. "Could you give me a hand." I whispered voice hoarse from so much screaming, to tired to yell at him for being inside the whole time I pulled Sam up and he helped me get him into the house.

"What the hell happened to you!?" Jared whisper yelled as I detached myself from Sam dropping him on the guest bed, I'm really tired I think I'll go lay down. I walked past Jared doing that whole slow-I'm about three seconds from passing the freak out-walk. When I got to my room I plopped down on my bed my eyes slowly drifting shut my last thoughts, I hope Sam's okay.

I really need this job though does that mean I'll have to go against everything I stand for and help him get the girl who happens to be my best friend?

Some time later.....

Jared's P.O.V.

What in the hell is going on? First I walk out onto my front porch and find my sister and some guy drenched, hugging if you could even consider it, then I have to undress the dude while praying he's not one of those guys that go commando. What if she's dating him? What if they were doing stuff before I interrupted, ewww that's gross. No they were probably just trying to stay warm, after all her face was white like snow and her Green eyes wide and dimming. She was shaking so hard when I helped her get that guy off the floor.

Now I feel bad for getting into that fight with her earlier, she just pushes to hard some times which makes it really hard to keep a secret from her. I'm just trying to keep this family together-what's left of it anyways- anyway I can and if she really thinks her job keeps this family on it's feet she's crazy. I mean sure her job helps quite a bit but not enough to pay the rent, Which is why I fight every night to keep this family standing. I do what I can but it doesn't seem to be enough, everyone is still falling a part and there is only so much I can do.

Ava just seemed to shut down after he left, it's like she doesn't feel the pain of it-being abandoned- at all. I can't get anything out of her except anger and our mother... Words can't describe how broken she is, she won't eat, sleep, drink, move, we're lucky she even breaths. She doesn't move from her bed her eyes stay glued to the spot where the man she loved used to lay, at the place that's just cold empty space where a warm loving body used to reside. I haven't had the heart in me to tell Ava how are mother really is, she just thinks she's sleeping. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up, lying to her, fighting.

Though I suppose that can wait til later after all I have a half naked kid in the guest bedroom I can't wait to grill about what the fuck he thinks he's doing with my sister.

A/N: so yeaaah I had quite a bit of fun with this chappie I hope you like it!!!! :)



love each other

peace out my little spongebobians!!!


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