Taeyeon + Jessica = TaengSic

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Taeyeon and Jessica are the two oldest girls in the group. An image and expectation of them would be mature and feminine, but seriously, who would think that way when it's these two. The Taengsic couple shipping is in my opinion way more cuter than the maknae couple Yoonhyun. One of two reasons; they are the oldest but look like the youngest. Secondly they are supposedly to be sensible and a sophisticated role model for their dongsaengs, but really, we as sones and fans know we can rarely expect that. An interesting fact/opinion that I have just lately found out was that creepily I didn't notice that Taeyeon and Jessica in most pictures actually look alike,they actually look similar. Recently Taeyeon and Jessica haven't been interacting as much as I hoped them to do, however I really would like to see more interactions with one another for as long as they're together. Go TaengSic! Hwaiting!

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