xD gets serious

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"oh ndo!!!!" Screams xD, that's a phrase he just leanrd, he's been working on it for about 2 hrs. As you can tell, he has not mastered his english yet, but he has fully learned a sentenc!!!!!

"WOP WOP WOP A LITTLE HARDER!!"he screamed loudly, showing off his full sentence. Yes, this was goinf perfectly. he would be a ble to talk to cute girl and hot boy whenever he wanted to!!!! graet!!!!! He cheerfully continued to study his english.

"omg who the fcku is xD i hurt him w all my mite if have to he's not even meme enough!!!!!!! he cnat even speak englsh!!!!!" Screamed \⍩⃝/. \⍩⃝/ is a hardcore memer, he specializes in SENIOR CITIZEN MEMES. Always capitalize it, he says. Always. The harcor e memr seardched for xD but there was no sighn of him. What do?????????!!!!! how is he gonna find him?????¿¿ "omg huge prnlbem here how will i evre have my hot yaos!?????!!!!" he screeched LOUDLY.

xD was sitting on the fckushkinng toilte because he needed to take a shjt. he knows \⍩⃝/ is l ooking for him but does he care????? no. He donst care. caring is for HARDCORE MEMERS like \⍩⃝/. \⍩⃝/s do drugs. don't do drugs. DONT BE A M e Mer!!!!!!!! YOURE A CHRISTIANE!!!!!!!! DONT D O DRUG!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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