The Group Tells all

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Ricky's POV

"guys what's this?!" I said getting ready to record

"what" Trevor says

"it's an ask O2L" he said

"wel now it can be an Ask O2L and friends " Jc said

"fine let's get started" I said pressing record and starting my intro

"whats up you guys it's Ricky and this week we have a special treat for all of you guys, this week we are going to do and Ask O2L and Friends " I said and everyone waved at the camera

"now today we have Kian Sam Connor Trevor and Jc along with Genna Abbie Cecilia Emily and Samantha " I introduced

"now let's get this thing started" Emily said

Ceclias POV

"ok now the first question is... Who out of O2L is the messiest" he said

"Sam" abbie said first

"mean" Sam said glaring at her

"I think it's You Ricky" I said tryin to be nice

"what it's defiantly not me " he denied

"dude yesterday you left half a box of pizza on the table " kian said

"fine next question" he said admitting defeat

"oh I've got one " Emily said

"ok go" Ricky said

"this one is for Jc and Samantha, it says.. Oh my god you guys are nasty no they will not do that " she cut herself off from the question as we all laughed

"how about this one" Genna said  " if you could go anywhere in the world where would it be" she asked placid her phone down

"I would have to say Paris" sh added

"oo oo Vegas" Jc said as Samatha laughed and high fived him

"Starbucks " conno said

"you dork you go there all the time" I said trying not to laugh to much

"what can I say the thirst is real" he shrugged

"I think we're done here" Ricky said. We answered a few more questions and then ended the video.

Samantha's POV

"that was so much fun" I said walking around the shared room Jc ad I had at th O2L house

"yeah, now have you seen my shorts" he asked putting a pile of clothes in his suit case

"yeah check the closet" I said grabbing a dress off the hook"

"thanks babe" he replied, Jc and I were packing for DigiTour Michigan and our flight left tomorrow

"I'm so excited" I said wrapping my arms around his neck

"me too, and it will be so much better now that I know you'll be with me" he said placing his hand on mine

"let's finish so we can go get some food" I said going back over to my suit case and putting my make up in it

Abbies POV

"are you sure you have to go" Sam whined

"yes Sam I'm sure" I said zipping up my suitcase, my mom had just called and told me my sister had been in a car accident and probably wouldn't make it

"but you could've let me go with you " he said looking sad

"don't worry I'll only be gone for a few days " I reassured him as I kissed his cheek

"but I'll miss you too much if you leave" he said kissing me and biting my lip

"sa-am" I tried to say but couldn't as I was too engulfed in the kiss to stop him

Emily's POV 

"ugh i dont have anything to wear" i said throwing my clothes out of my suit case 

"baby em you have plenty of clothes to wear calm down" Trevor said picking my shirts up off the floor 

"i know but ive never been to anything like this before an-dd" i said tying not to freak out 

"its ok, if it make you feel any better im worried too" he said wrapping his arm around my shoulder 

"ok i think i know what to wear " i said suddenly standing up and running to my closet, grabbing a black skirt and a a blue shirt thats low but in the back and setting it out 

"you're gonna look so hot it that" trevor said smirking 

"TREVOR MORAN" i yelled tackling him on the bed

"what im sorry" he says wrapping his arms around my waist and flipping me over 

"Trevor we dont have time for this" i tried to protest

"then we'll make this quick" he said kissing me so i couldnt stop him 

Cecilia's POV 

"you ready connor" i said standing behind the camera

"yeah, im so excited to tell them about the Thirst Project " he said fixing his hair for the millionth time in the last five minutes 

"connor whats wrong" i said walking in front of the camera 

"nothing i promise" he said trying to brush it off 

"Connor dont lie to me " i said turning his head so he was looking me in the eye 

"its just-just i dunno what if they dont like it " he said, he had been worring about this for a while now 

"connor they are going to love it and they will all support you through all of it i pormise" i tell him placing my hand in his lap

"be in the video with me" he says pouting his face

"fine, but that means you edit " i said crossing my arms 

"fine" he said kissing my forehead and pressing record 

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