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I sat in the cafe by myself thinking about things. mostly Grayson. He just makes me feel like im living on edge and hes kinda mysterious and i like that. 

i grabbed my hot chocolate and scrolled through Instagram, hearing a ding as each person came through the door. 

"Yeah ill have a coffee please, that's all." i heard the familiar voice. i looked up to see Graysons twin brother, Ethan. he saw me too and smiled, whilst grabbing his coffee and walking over to me. 

"may i sit?" he asked, pulling the chair in front of me out.

"of course." i put my phone down and took a sip of my hot coco. 

"so, your the girl that's working with my brother, Bailey right?"

"yep." i smiled.

"how is he so far then with you?" 

"he seems super cool and i really like him."

"wait..you like him? as in like.."

i cut him off before he could finish. i didn't want him thinking that i was unprofessional and maybe lose my job. 

"no as in like, he is a good patient and he works well with me." i totally lied. i really liked Grayson. how could you not.

"oh that's good."

Ethan looked just as good as Grayson.

"so, mind if we go out tonight?" i was kind of startled by his question. 

"what..? i thought you had a girlfriend" i totally lied, just didn't really want to go out as i like Grayson more, even though i don't really know him that much. 

"nooo!!" he laughed a little. 

"it can obviously be a no."

"no no, ill go out with you, you seem pretty cool." i smiled and got up. 

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