Crushing Hard| Rose

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Blackpink was some of your best friends and like the best friends they are, they invited you to go on vacation with them to Hawaii. You were always close with Jennie, you knew her longer than the rest. During the vacation, you mainly stayed close to Jennie hanging out with her wherever she wanted to go. Rosé acted weird around you and more weird when you were with Jennie.

You shrugged it off as being her weird self but when you wanted to hang out with her she always resisted and said 'Why don't you go hang out with Jennie' or something similar.This happened every time you talked to her, so you talked to Jennie about it.

"She is acting weird around me and whenever I ask her if she wants to do something she just says 'Just do it with Jennie.' What's happening?" You were confused at Rosé's actions.

"Sounds to me like she's jealous." Jennie concluded.

"Jealous of what? I'm trying to hang out with her too." You couldn't understand why she was acting this way. Why would she be jealous? Was it because you hung out too much with Jennie?

"Well, I don't wanna be a secret teller but Rosé has a MASSIVE crush on you. She's probably jealous that I'm getting more of your attention than she is." Jennie shrugged, leaning back further into her chair.

"Wait, Rosé likes me? Why didn't I know that?" You were more confused than before. You sat there wondering if you ever notice her crush on you, which, you couldn't find any other instances.

"That's because you're oblivious, Y/N." She stated rather quickly.

"Hey! I'm not that oblivious!" You argued crossing your arms.

"Says the one who didn't even know Rosé had a crush on them. I can think of several things that would tell you that she does." She smirked.

"Like what?" You countered.

"One time she wrote a song for you, she buys you your favorite foods when you even mention you're hungry, and she always wants to be near you and touching you." Jennie stated off some reasons, making you look back and realizing how much she did for you that was similar.

"I am that oblivious. I think maybe I should talk to her about it." You said thinking that this might clear things up between you and Rosé.

"Go ahead, maybe she'll tell you herself this time." Jennie said sarcastically.

"Whatever. I'll see you later Jennie." You stood up and started heading out of her room, walking down the hallway you found the door that had the string of numbers that matched Rosé's room. You knocked on it twice waiting for a reply. A couple seconds later the door opened and Rosé stood in the doorway.

"What are you here for? I thought you were with Jennie." Rosé spoke bitterly.

"No, I'm here for you. I wanted to talked to you about something." You payed no attention to the bitter nature of her words. She sighed and let you in closing the door behind you and sitting on the bed next to you.

"What is it, Y/N?" Her voice seemed less jealous than before.

"Do you have a crush on me?" You asked point blank, there was no point in trying to get around it.

"I-I...Where did you hear that?" She stuttered her face covered in a blush.

"Jennie helped me be less oblivious about it. But she blatantly said you did." You spoke honestly.

"Of course she did." She huffed, resting her back against the head board.

"Well, do you?" You pressed forward.

"I-uh..yeah I do. There's no point around it." She looked away from you too embarrassed to face you.

"So, the reason you didn't like me being around Jennie was because..." You left off hoping she would answer it herself.

"I was jealous, I thought she was taking you from me." She answered.

"I don't think anything could, considering I like you too." You confessed.

"Wait what? You like me too?" She said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I just said I did." You reiterated.

"I didn't think you did. Um, does that mean you can be my S/O?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah, I'd love to date you Rosé." You leaned forward and hugged her.

"I hope you know now you're going to have to spend more time with me than Jennie." She smiled.

"I already knew."

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