Chapter 29

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"Snape." I said quietly. "He brought you potions, you'll be healed. You can not throw them back up." Regulus told me. I nodded hesitantly. And took the bottles they handed me. Slowly I began drinking them. My stomach felt sick immediately, "Riley Black. I assure you that if you puke right now, you will die." Snape said grumpily. I glared at him, and focused on my breathing. "Riley." Snape said sternly. "SHUT UP." I screamed. His eyes flew open in surprise. "Leave me alone." I grumbled. Regulus sighed, "the thing is we can't." I looked at them in confusion, "why not?" Snape stared down me, "the dark lord needs you. Now," I shook my head, "I refuse to help him win this war. I'd rather die." Regulus threw his hands up, "your talking as if this is a question. You are coming and that is final." I lay back down, "no." Snape stormed over and grabbed my arm tightly, "your just going to sit around and watch those people, your family die." I sat back up, "I'll go, but I'm not fighting for the dark lord, I'm doing this for them."

Slowly I crawled out of bed, "can I get changed alone?" I asked. They walked out of the room, and I stood up. I felt stronger than I had before, but I was still weak. I changed into tight  ripped black jeans, and dads old black hoodie. My hair fell neatly around me, and bounced up as I walked.

I stormed out into the living room, "how do you feel?" Reg asked me. "Amazing." I sarcastically answered. He rolled his eyes angrily, "Let's go."

All three of us apparated back to the Malfoy's. The entire land was covered in death eaters, my eyes almost bulged out of my head. This war was already won. Lucious walked over to me, "Severus, your wanted." He spat still glaring into my eyes. His bony fingers grabbed my chin, and pulled my face close to his. "If you try to help them in any way. I promise I will kill your godfather first." I ripped away from him, "if you touch him, I will murder Draco in the most unimaginable way possible." I threatened him. He pushed me back forcefully, and Regulus caught me unexpectedly. He marched over, and got in Lucious' face, "is there a problem here Malfoy?" He asked dangerously. He shook his head no quickly, "not at all." I then watched as Lucious walked away smug.

"Be careful." Regulus hissed in my ear. Death eaters swarmed around me, they were all buzzed, tonight they were attacking Hogwarts. Tears swelled up in my eyes, and I chocked them back. They were going to try and kill the people I've grown up with, my friends, my family. "Black follow me." Someone grabbed my wrist, and dragged me behind them. And I was forced to watch as the death eaters all flew away, towards the castle.

"The dark lord wishes to speak with you directly." The man told me. I walked up a set of stairs on my own. And when I saw the lord I also saw Severus, he was up against a wall. Dying. "My lord." I whispered, to scared to say anything else. He whipped around to face me, "Riley, your time has come." I nodded. "You must be ready, or the consequences will be severe. As you know, my followers are at Hogwarts now." I took a deep breath. "I regret to tell you, Remus Lupin, and his girlfriend, or whatever, is dead." He chuckled a little, and walked away. He was dead I played what he said over and over again. The man I loved more than anything had died too. He didn't even know I was still alive. My heart broke, and I glanced over to Snape's body.

"Severus." I rushed over to him, "just breathe." I tried to think of what to do, but nothing came to mind. He pushed me away, "go save them." I hugged him close to me, "I'm sorry." I said, and I had no choice but to run away quickly.

I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I touched my mark and shot up into the sky towards Hogwarts. The man who protected me since I was a little girl was gone. And I would not let him die in vein.

I landed my feet on the ground near the forbidden forest. I walked carefully and focused on putting one foot in front of the other. I looked up, to see the quidditch pitch in flames and the castle in ruins. Somewhere in there Remus lay dead, I should've been there for him, maybe I would've been able to save him.

I saw the group of death eaters, circling around. The dark lord summoned me over, and stood me right next to him. He bent down and whispered harshly in my ear, "if you mess this up in anyway, I promise Harry Ron and Hermione will be the next to go. You guys are still friends correct? You lied to me, but don't worry I'll punish you for that later." I stared ahead of me miserably, and refused to answer any of his questions.

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