Chapter 1

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For the last few weeks, when waking up I've felt fairly dizzy. I haven't had any dreams since I arrived at Hogwarts. Kaite was still asleep, in the bed beside me so naturally I decided to whip a pillow at her head. "Morning." I called from my side. She groaned and rolled over. I got up, and like usual my jet black curly hair was completely tangled. I stood in front of the mirror, and separated them with a comb, and turned around to see that my hair fell down to my butt now. I noticed Kaite was still sleeping so I ran over and hopped onto her bed. "Come on." I shook her annoyed.

Slowly she got up. And of course she was one of those girls who was just naturally pretty, I was completely the opposite, or so I believed. Last night she said that there was something her Dylan and Jackson wanted to show me. I couldn't wait any longer. We both got dressed and headed down for breakfast, students had the day off of school today.

When we got down to the dining hall Jackson and Dylan were sitting at their table. We both walked over and sat down beside them. I could see Draco staring at me from the Slytherin table, usually people stayed at their own houses tables, but that rule didn't apply to us four. Everyone knew how close we all had become, especially since the death of my boyfriend Cedric. And no one was about to be rude to the daughter of a serial killer, Sirius Black. It's a good thing they didn't know the truth about him. "Hey guys." I said cheerfully as I sat down. They both smiled and answered "Morning Riley." With their mouths full of food. I laughed and stole some of their hash browns. "So what is it you wanted to show me?" I curiously asked. They all shook their heads and Kaite smacked me in the arm, "be patient Riley," I smiled. Then Dumbledore stood up halfway through breakfast.

"Good morning students, just a reminder that next weekend is Hogsmeade weekend, I hope you all have your dates sorted." He said and winked. I nudged Kaite and Jackson who both rolled their eyes at me. Dumbledore continued, "on a completely different note, we all suffered the traumatic loss of someone everyone loved, Cedric Diggory." My hurt sunk, and Kaite grabbed my hand. "In honour of such a courageous man, we have dedicated a day towards the end of term to him. Where all students get the day off. To remember and truly acknowledge everything he gave up for our school. And our staffing offers their deepest condolences to those who were close to him. Enjoy the meal." He finished. And I was taken back. They dedicated a day for my boyfriend

"I had no idea about that." Dylan whispered. "Was that the surprise?" I asked. They all shook their heads no. "Here come on." Dylan reached out his hand. I took it, and all four of us walked outside to the black lake. I remember sitting on the rock out here with Ced the day before the final task. Now there was a bench beside it, with beautiful flowers surrounding it. I walked closer, the bench was wooden, and in the center it and a dedication to Cedric, it read, In memory of Cedric Diggory, the bravest and kindest boy to ever live. May we all remember what you gave up for us. With extra love from Dylan, Jackson, Kaite, and especially Riley.

I stood there in awe of what they did. It was so pretty, we all had our arms around each other, and looked at the bench. "Well what are we doing still standing?" Dylan asked. I smiled and sat down, running my fingertips along the plaque. "It's beautiful guys, I absolutely love it." I said happily. "I miss seeing him everyday." Jackson sighed. Dylan nodded in agreement. Kaite grabbed Jackson's hands and kissed him. "I'm sure he's looking down on us now, and smiling." She said. I looked up to the sky, and laughed, "I hope so." Then I called out to the clouds, "I love you Ced." They all looked above too. Then Jackson yelled, "We miss you bro." I threw my arm around Kaite and Dylan, and told them, "I don't think I would've gotten through this without you guys." Kaite hugged me, and Jackson said, "yeah me too girl." We all laughed at that.

We sat there for almost an hour talking and laughing, and then Dumbledore began walking towards us. "Ah Riley you've seen the bench, I do hope you like it." He said. "I love it Professor thank you." I answered. He shook his head, "Thank your friends here, they were quite persistent we didn't let the memories of Cedric die with him." He exclaimed. I smiled, and looked around me. "I hope this year goes better than previous ones for you Ms. Black." Dumbledore said then walked away. When he was out of earshot, I joked, "it would be best for everyone if this year went better." They shook their head in agreement, which made me burst out laughing again. These three were the most thoughtful people I'd ever met, and I hoped we remained best friends for a long time.

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