Story Time

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"Okay just sit back and listen to what Im going to describe. Okay?"

I nodded as I let my hands rest on his thys. He then began.

"I have the ability to enhance all my strength, speed and stamina by the color change of my eyes and I can control two elements. I am a rare race called a Devil Angel, a Devil Angel is someone who is half everything logical and mythological. Their origin's start with wolves though, that should explain my ears. Anyways they have a power to shapeshift into the wolf. Some have a stronger line to the wolf giving them cold or hot blood, which increases their powers, but they can do more then just shapeshift with their wolf's self. All Devil Angel's have two main powers, they most likely would be elements. But what draws a Devil Angel to a unique standard is that they all have one of the same power called Demon Blood Eyes. Aka my red eyes, this enhances their powers to maximum and increases stamina, agility, speed, etc. The Demon Blood Eye's, dates back to the Demon King himself. (King Divial's Family) They originally were the only ones with the unique power until a pair of twins (Leo and Lai) were born as a Devil Angel with the unique feature. From their the Bloody Demon Eye's were passed to and from generation making all Devil Angel's have it. But it would be rare if a Devil Angel did not have that rare power."

He paused and let me take in the information. I then nodded.

"I control the two elements water and air and I have small enchantment powers. Plus with a Devil Angel you get wings."

My eyes widened as a large pair of snow white wings emerged and seemed to cave in around me. They even touched the ceiling. I was at awe and wanted to touch them. I looked to him he chuckled and leaned forward resting his head next to mine. I felt a slight feathery feeling. I pulled off my glove with my teeth and ran my hands gently down the bright feathers.

"I didn't mean to lie its just-"

"Dont worry, with the black market Im not suprised you lied. And I know someone of the same species of you. But this is the first time I've seen someone with white wings."

"Yea, I was told white wings were pretty diffrent."

"Their beautiful."

I watched as his face changed to red and he buried his face further into my shoulder. I let out a chuckle and just continued running my hand up and down his wing.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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