Chapter three

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I look at him again to see if it's actually him, I could be hallucinating. I mean I haven't seen him in a few months so his face is kind of a blur to me.

"Hey puntas" Hidaya says coming out of nowhere.

""Hi Hidaya. Are y'all ready for school" Jade asks. I look at them and nod.

"I am but I'm a little nervous" I say in all honesty.

"Girl I don't know why you're always nervous. There's nothing to be nervous about. You look cute, you got a tan goin on. Girl you look fine" Hidaya says trying to cheer me up. But it's not how I look that's bothering me it's the guy in the yellow shirt, what if it was actually him? I have to let Krystal know.

She doesn't go to the same school as me so I'll have to tell her after school.

I look back to see the guy in the yellow shirt again but he's gone. Just like last time.

"Heyyy Anna Maria" Hidaya says calling one of our friends over.

"Hi guys omg I'm soo nervous I just seen this really cute kid and I tripped and he saw me" Anna says. We all laugh at her embarrassment.

"Guys it's not funny I was trying to get his snap" she says. We still continue to laugh.

We all walk into the front doors and our first step into high school.

I've been inside the school mannnny times because of my brother. And it still amazes me. I know the school like the back of my hand. The beautiful hallways and ginormous football field. It's amazing.

"Guys I'll meet up with you guys later. I'm gonna head into the main office to find the new kid I'm suppose to show around" I say turning a different corner.

"Okay tell us if he's cute" Hidaya says leaving with the rest of the girls.

I turn around but I hear Anna Maria say "there's a new kid?".

I head into the main office and the first person I see sitting at the waiting chairs is the guy in the yellow shirt. I go up to the main office lady.

"Hi um I'm here to show around the new student" I say hoping it's not the guy in the yellow shirt.

"Um yes but we were actually hoping if you could do it after school so you have time to see all your classes and meet the teachers" she says.

"Oh okay. So do I come here after school" I ask. She looks fed up with me asking her all these questions.

"We'll call you" is all she says and gets up to grab paperwork or something. Damn someone's not happy about going to back to school.

I'm so close to walking out the door when I hear someone.

"Good morning" says the guy in the yellow shirt. Holy shit he IS cute. Damn.

"Oh hi" is all I say back. I walk out the door but he follows me.

"I'm new here, my names jack" He says.

"um hi I'm Ivy" I say friendly. He has beautiful green eyes and he walks right next to me. "Do we have the same class or?" I question wondering why he's following me.

"I don't know. I thought you were my guide" he laughs uncomfortable scratching behind his head.

"Oh yeah about that. They want me to give you a tour after school. But I'll gladly show you to your homeroom" I say. He gives me his schedule. We have homeroom together so I continue walking with him.

There's still people in the hallway rushing around trying to get to homeroom.

"So where did you use to go" I question. I live in a small neighborhood with one preschool, one elementary school, one middle school, and of course one high school. So new students are different because we've all known each other since we were babies.

"I actually used to live in California" he says scratching the back of his head.

Why is he always doing that?

"Ohh cool. Did you surf?" I ask.

"Are you stereotyping me because you think all guys that live in California surf" he asks slightly offended.

"No no I didn't I-

"I'm just messing with you" he laughs. My face is practically a tomato with all my embarrassment. "I actually do surf".

"Wow all that to find out you do surf" I say.

"Yeah. I feel like I've seen you before".
Oh no. He remembers me. Noooo.
Abort mission abort mission.

"Really where?" I ask trying to keep my cool.

"I don't know. A store or something" he tries to think really hard.

"Oh well I don't know. But we're here" I say pointing to the room labeled A345. We walk in together and all eyes are on us.

"Hello Ivy and who is this" the teacher says. Of course they know my name I'm always here.

"This is the new kid, Jack"

I look over at the class and everyone's jaw drops. Especially the back row where Hidaya, Jade, and Anna Maria sit.

Hey guys it's the author here. I hope you guys are enjoying "The Guy In The Yellow Shirt" 💛
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It pushes me to write more.
Anyways that's all I wanted to say

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