Chapter Twenty Seven pt 1

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Author's note/ heyy so I didn't realize that I made Anthony come out to ivy twice 😬 my b I just wanted Ivy to forget about the jack thing 😂 anyways umm continue reading...:)))


All the football players walk out. Our school was going against our rivals, I couldn't tell you the name because I don't know it. All I know is that their jersey is green, white, and gold. Whereas, our school is maroon and grey.

Max walks out and Jade screams the loudest to catch his attention. He notices and blows a kiss at her.

Aiden walks out with him and winks at me...or Anna Maria, I couldn't tell.

Then Jack walks out with the biggest grin when he sees me. He waves his hand and I wave back.


"This is so boring" Hidaya groans. She's not very the footbally going person. But if Tom Holland were playing, her eyes would be glued to the field.

We were up 4-0 so there was a chance we could win. But the other team has time because the fourth quarter was starting.

The cheerleaders played during halftime and they were good. I did notice Jack sneak a few glances at other cheerleaders and I felt so weird about it.

I don't know.

"Hey guys I'm going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back" Asher says getting up. He's been awfully quiet the whole time. I don't know what's up with him.

"Yeah I'm gonna go too" Hidaya says as well getting up.

"What it's not like y'all can go to the bathroom together" Anna Maria jokes. They start laughing.

"No but deadass I gotta pee" Hidaya says and they walk down the bleachers.

"Weirdos" I mumbles but Jade heard and started laughing.


"Anddddd English High wins by 5 points!" The announcer starts and everyone cheers so loud. Hey! That's our school. Max and Aiden chest bump and Jack is just jumping all over the place. "Thank you to all the families and students who came to support the footballers tonight and have a safe evening everyone, goodnight"

All of us start jumping and high fiving each other.

We walk over to the edge of the bleachers to see the guys. Max walks over near Jade and he takes off his helmet revealing his nasty sweaty hair. Gross.

Aiden does the same and so does Jack. Except Jack has curly hair and it looks wild.

"Oh my god, your hair" I joke looking at his hair. He touches it and smirks.

"Sexy, I know" he jokes.

"We'll meet you guys over there" Hidaya says pointing to god knows where. "I'm tired" and she walks off.

"You're the one who wanted to go" I say to her. She nods.

"Yeah I didn't know how boring it would be"

"Hey, we won!" I try to lift her spirits but she just holds my arm so she doesn't pass out. Damn she was tired.
The football players walk out and Max runs to Jade picking her up and throwing her over his shoulders.

She repeatedly says put me down, put me down while laughing and smiling. Aiden comes over and puts his sweaty arm over my shoulder but I shrug him off. He walks over to Anna and takes a pic of her wearing his jersey.

Jack walks out and comes up to me.

"You wore it" he says sincerely almost as if he didn't know I'd actually wear it.

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