Harry Imagine.

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imagine; you and harry had been going out for 7 months now, and you loved him more then anything. Your life was much brighter now he was in it. You new it was fate; you were the head cheerleader and he was captain of the football team, it was a perfect match. Recently though, he had been acting weird with you. He ignored most of your calls, and acted like friends when you saw each other. You had tried to ignore it for the first few weeks, but now it was just getting ridiculous. Lying on your double bed, you scrolled through your facebook newsfeed, commenting on necessary status's, and liking a few photos. You really wanted some plans for that night as it was Friday.

The clock was ticking, and you were still in the same position you were 3 hours ago. Sighing loudly, you finally switched your laptop off, placing it on your bedside table. Lying on your back, you stared at your ceiling, thinking of anyone you could ask to come round or whatever. Finally running out of ideas, you glanced at the small clock on the wall. 11:00pm. Might aswell go to bed, since I have no social life you thought. Quickly changing into your jammies, you wiped any traces of make up off your face, before brushing your teeth. Swirling some mouthwash, you hear your phone faintly beep, quickly spitting out the liquid. Running to your phone, you felt a smile appear on your face as you see the name Harry flash across the small screen.

"hey (y/n), will you meet me in the park at 12? Need to talk to you xx" you bit your lip, wondering what he needed to talk to you about. What about if he wants to break up with me? you thought. Your eyes started to well, and you quickly wiped them away. Harry was your world, without him you would be nothing. You loved him lots, too much really, and that scared you. Pushing the thought out of your mind, you slipped on your leggings, and pulled a large sweater over your head, that hung loosely on your small frame. Re-doing your hair and makeup, you tied up your converses before grabbing your phone. You knew you had be quiet, as your parents were in bed, and you would be dead if they caught you. You made it half way down the stairs before you heard someone clear their throat behind you.

Your sister stood at the top of the stairs, and she was also fully dressed. Narrowing your eyebrows, she put a finger to her lips, hushing you. She pushed past you quietly, making her way to the door. Opening it carefully, you both slipped out, closing it gently behind you both. On the way to the park, she explained how she was also meeting her boyfriend. You entered the park, and watched your sister walk over to a tall figure. Scanning the park several times, you spotted a hooded person, on the swing. Walking over, you gradually spotted the wild curls poking out of his hood. Approaching the other swing, you sat down, and he smiled in the darkness. You fiddled with your fingers nervously. There was a moment of silence, and the thought of you and Harry breaking up, circled your head. You couldn't take it anymore, and tears spilled out of your eyes.

"please don't break up with me Harry, please I'm begging you, I love you so-" you were about to carry on before he crushed his lips onto yours. You were taken by surprise but responded quickly. You parted your lips, and he slipped his tongue into your mouth making you moan with pleasure. Staying like that for a few more minutes, you finally broke apart and you grinned. He kept his face near yours, his hot breath tickling your neck.

"why would you think I would break up with a beautiful, amazing, incredible girl like you? That would be crazy! I love you loads (y/n), please always remember that, your the bestest thing that ever happened to me baby" he whispered huskily. Your felt your cheeks flush with pleasure.

"so why am I here then?" you questioned.

"well, you might want to think about this, as it might be a big leap in our relationship but..well.. as you know I'm going on tour with the lads to America and I don't think I can leave you behind.. I would die.. So I was thinking, maybe, you would, um, want to come with me?" he spluttered. You squealed loudly, throwing your arms around his neck.

"I would love to come Harry" you whispered in his ear. "more then anything in the world"

He kissed your cheek, lingering a little.

"right, come back to mine, we have to tell mum and dad!" you exclaimed, grabbing his hand and hauling him up. He resisted and you frowned.

"babe, it's 2 in the morning, I dont think they would be too happy" he rolled his eyes.

"oh yeah.. woops, well you can stay overnight now, and we will tell them in the morning" you explained gleefully. He nodded his head, before you both made your way back.

"MUUM, DADD" you shrieked, piling into their room. It was on 7 in the morning, but excitement dominated you.

"what" they both muttered sleepily.

"can I go to America with harry, on his tour?" you asked. You weren't worried about not being allowed to go, as your parents were very laid back.

"is Paul going" your dad mumbled. He loved that body guard.

"yep" you answered.

"you boy, would you take care of my daughter like your life depended in it, keep her safe every minute of the day?" he grumbled. You rolled your eyes.

"sir, she is my life. I wouldn't ever let a soul touch her. I will be with her every minute of the day 24/7. I love your daughter very much sir, she is amazing" Harry shot back. You looked up at him proudly. Your dad smiled slightly.

"very well then, you can go" he grinned. You screamed in delight, kissing your boyfriend passionately.

You were going to your favourite country, with your favourite boy. Life couldn't of be any better.

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