Part 4

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So since the engagment things have been going fantastic me and calum couldnt be happier! He has alot on his plate though at the moment! He has just done a gig in the House Of Blues in LA he loved it and all the fans! Im still a fan i love the band alot and i get all excited when i get too watch them tour sometimes! I have known Ashton for ages like years, thats kind of how i met Calum, because Ashton is my bestfriend! Paige one of my close friends has recenlty started dating michael im so happy for her because she has liked him for so long and i think there the perfect match. Me, Calum, Michael and Paige are all going on a double date tonight with our partners! At Nandos one of all our faviroute restraunts. So i decide to ring paige up and ask if she wants to come shopping for an outfit for tonight and she says yes. When we where out paige could not stop looking at her phone "whats the matter" i say. "Im fine" she anxiously replys. "So why are you looking at your phone every 2 minutes" i ask her. "Its michael i have not seen him since the House Of Blues Gig they did in LA and he hasnt rang or text me, he could be anywhere." She says her eyes start to fill up. "Oh paige dont be daft he will probably be with one of the band members i will ring calum now and see if he knows where he is." I walk of and ring calum "Hey u ok babe?" He says "yes im fine, calum do you know where michael is?" I ask him. "No sorry babe why?" "Its paige she is panicking but she has not seen michael since the HOB LA gig and he hasnt been in touch her either" i say with a gulp in my throat. "Oh.. urm sorry i havent been in touch with him either im at lukes at the moment, the last time i saw him was when we got out of the taxi and i thought paige was picking him up, i will try to ring him now." "Ok thanks babe" i reply. "No problem cya babe love you" "love you too hun" i say smiling. When i turn around paige was right infront of my face "well, does calum know where he is?" She says very anxiously. "Urm.. no he is doesnt calum has not seen him since he got of the taxi near london calum said he thought you was picking michael up" i slowly tell her. " what! No i thought Michael was meeting me at our appartment but he never turned up, emily what am i going to do he could be cheating me or could be hurt, we have to tell all the band!" She says she is panicking more and more.. "ok, ok paige calm down i tell her, he could be with Ashton we havent been in touch with him yet" i say to her i feel like im giving her false hope but she scoots of and rings him. I didnt want to tell her that i saw him outside the pizza shop yesterday when i drove past i was going to pick up my smoothie maker that my friend Michelle had borrowed. If he wasnt buying a pizza for them 2 then who was he buying it for?" I say to my self. Paige comes back a tear shoots down her face and touches her pink glittery customized converse, i throw my hands out and give her a hug. "So what did ashton say?" I ask her. "He said he is meeting luke and he hasnt seen him either." She says. "Come on i think we should head back, you can come to mine we can have a movie day cause Calums at lukes yes?" I ask her. "Yes okay then, thankyou im going to call Michael 1 last time then i will ring him later on." "Okay then" i reply. The call goes to answer machine. When we get back to mine i put on a film and she lends 1 of my onesies to put on i get some chocolate for us both and a latte! She has calm down and kind of forgot about it now.. we are talking about our jobs she works as a Manager in her own beauty salon doing hair,  make up and much more. She is thinking of qualfiying to be a midwife because thats her dream job. Im a doctor and i love my job, however, i work in the A&E Department (Accident and Emergency) its hard work though. "Its getting late now, do you want me to drop you of at yours because i have work in the morning?" I ask her. "Yes ok then thanks" she replys. We are outiside her house and non of the lights are on in her appartment so she knows he isnt in. "Okay then thanks for the lift and for today bye" "its ok anytime, bye" i reply to her. I go back home and calum is lying on the couch watching tv. "Aw babe have you tidied up for me?" I say smiling. "Yes i thought i would do it whilst you went out" he replys and i kiss him passionatly. "I have got work in the morning so i think im going to watch TV in bed then go to sleep babe" i tell him. "Okay then babe i think i might join you " he replys and winks at me. I go to bed and put on Celebrity Juice. He walks over in his sexy Calvin Klein underwear and his sexy body and cuddles up to me "Night babe" he said. "Night hun" i reply. Then i fall to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2014 ⏰

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