Chapter 15

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Minghao messaged Dani the good news about him getting 100% on his choreography project but after continuous messeges, there was still no reply from her,he thinks she maybe sleeping. He messaged Jun just to be sure Dani is okay.

Jun told Minghao to check Dani's twitter account. She posted a pic of her and Woozi watching Black Panther. He also reminded Minghao that when she watches anything marvel, she forgets her phobe cause she's too focused in the movie even though she already watched it like a hunded times since it was released.

[Woozi’s POV]

After watching Black Panther while constantly having mixed reactions, I went to the kitchen to clean the dishes.
I comeback from the kitchen and I saw her sleeping while still sitting on the couch with her head and arm resting on the couch.

“She must not have slept much when we left her yesterday” I told myself

I put her feet up on the couch to make her comfortable then carefully cover her with a blanket.

[Minghao’s POV]

After seeing Dani’s posts about her and Woozi hyung bring Marvel buddies, I got worried for some reason AGAIN.
I know I’m not her boyfriend but I’m not really comfortable with her and hyung hanging out. The just met a few day ago and now their “Marvel Buddies”???

Me and Jun hyung finally arrived at their dorm and the moment the door was opened, I saw Woozi hyung tucking Dani in.
THAT’S MY THING. Whenever me and Dani watch a movie, she always fall asleep when the movie ends then I go to her room, grab a blanket and tuck her in and now Woozi hyung is the one doing my thing.

“oh hey you’re home” Woozi hyung said in a low volume so that Dani won’t wake up.

“hi Woozi” Jun hyung greeted

“she fell asleep. I just tucked her in the couch, I don’t wanna wake her up she must be tired”

“ah no, she’s really like that after watching any movie. She quickly fall asleep after in ends” Jun hyung explained

“oh okay, I thought she was tired from yesterday”

“Hyung I’ll just get some water” I told Jun hyung, ignoring Woozi hyung

[Jun’s POV]

Minghao just ignored Woozi? What’s wrong with him??
I looked to my cousin’s room and its messy again with paint.

“Ahh Woozi can you do me a favor?”


“I see my cousin has been painting again, can you clean up her room for her pleaseee I don’t wanna wake her up. She get cranky when I do that haha”

“No prob” he proceeded to her room

“Minghao I need to show you something in my room” I gestured Minghao to go to my room and he followed

“close the door” I spoke in a serious tone

“What is it hyung?”

“Don’t you like Woozi?”

“huh? What do you mean?”

“You completely ignored him and I saw you roll your eyes when you passed by him. Tell me, do you hate him or something?”

“N-no I-its just umm him and umm dani”

I just realized something “wait- do you like my cousin??”


“you like Dani don’t you Xu Minghao”

“I- umm”

“Don’t try to get’re already caught. So do you like Dani? If not there’s no reason for you to act like this to her new friend”

He sighed in defeat “yes hyung I do like nope LOVE her”

Well that shocked me, I just noticed he liked her but not LOVE her “You LOVE as in L-O-V-E?”

“Yes hyung, I’m in love with Dani”

“Since when?????”

“Since high school senior year, when we joined a dance competition. I liked her back then but it starts turning into love”

“That’s why you get triggered with him”

“yes hyung, I love her so much I don’t know how I’ll react to him”

“wait is that why she was mad at you yesterday?”

“yes, she was hanging out with him cause she recorded a song for him and when she was trying to explain why she can’t meet me after school, I snapped at her and started blaming him”

“Well that’s not right”

“I know, then she blurted out that I have no right to stop her making new friends, that I’m her best friend nit her boyfriend”

“Ouch that had to hurt BUT its true”

“yeah don’t rub it in hyung. I have another reason why I’m being like this”

“What is it?”

“I’m looking out for her. I don’t want her to end up like last time”

“oh yeah HIM but still you’ve felt this way for almost 3 years now, why don’t you confest?”

“Cause, I care way too much about our friendship. If I confess, it can change everything”

“you have a point but the more you hide it the worst you’ll react to them being close”

“I’ll think about it but please don’t say anything”

“don’t worry I wont” I smiled at him

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