Date Night And Dads

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Edy had hacked Tony's suit and let him know she was home. While she waited for him she hacked his towers files and saw that he was at 99% with Stark tower. When he arrived they decided on finishing Stark tower together then pizza.

Tony was currently under the building installing the new arch reactor coil she had suggested once. "Good to go on this end, Princess. It's all up to you." She rolled her eyes "Drama King" "Hey I heard that!" She laughed "You were meant to. You took it off the grid?" She asked looking at him on a Stark tablet. "Stark tower is about to become a beacon of self-sustaining clean energy." "Egomaniac."

"You know saying things like that would hurt someone with less self esteem." He mused. She laughed "Why do you think I only say it to you?" With that she tapped the button that would activate the reactor. She saw the building light up in the reflection. "How does it look?" She asked. "Like Christmas. But more me."

"Alright, now come in and get pizza and wine." She said signing off the tablet. Moments later she heard Tony wall up behind her. "Levels are holding steady." She said taking a sip of the very fine wine Tony had left out for them. "Of course they are. I was directly involved." "Based off of my idea." She reminded him. "Right, give yourself like 12% credit." "Oh 12?" "An argument could be made for 15."

"Tell you what next we work in a Rogers tower." He said pouring a glass of wine. Just then Jarvis, Tony's AI spoke. "Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overridden." By who, he wondered. Edy was already here. "Stark, we need to talk."

Edy heard the voice of her dad come over Tony's phone. "Awww, dad has learned something from me!" She said proud of her dads achievement. Tony was trying to put her dad off when the elevator opened. "Security Breach!" Tony called. "This is your fault. You taught him this."

"Hi Dad." She said standing up. "Hi Honey." She hugged him "This is your first hacked entry. I'm so proud!" He blushed "Thanks." Tony huffed "Don't praise Agent for breaking in." "Come on in, dad. Look at the future." "I can't stay." He said regretfully. "I just needed to give you these." He said handing her and Tony file tablets. I don't like being handed things." Tony responded. She took both from her dad and shoved one at Tony.

He huffed and took the tablet. "Official consulting hours are 8-5 every other Thursday." "This isn't a consultation." Her dad answered. "Is this about the Avengers?" She asked. Her dad gave her a look. "Tony did it first!" "The Avengers initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify." "I did." She boasted. "Apparently I'm volatile, self obsessed, don't play well with others." "Well they got you nailed, Tone." She snickered.

She walked toward him "So what does SHIELD have for us?" Tony three the image up to the wall of screens. Many files and video showed on the wall. She saw her dad, the hulk and a few agents she knew, and was that Thor? "Looks like we have homework." She looked at all the files. "Lots of homework."


The next day Edy was settling into the helicarrier. She had an assigned room from different missions she had helped on. She wasn't officially an agent, her dad made sure of that. She was more of a consultant. She did however draw up and oversee the building of this beautiful machine. As she walked back to the command deck she ran into a face she knew.

Romanoff. They were great friends though they hardly got to see each other. She had bought Barton a farm and made it completely untraceable and off the grid. In return he had made her godmother of his oldest kid. She was honored and made sure to see them at least twice a year. Any more and it could be dangerous for his beautiful family. She knew Natasha had to be as devastated about Clint as she was. Whoever had him would pay dearly.

Natasha and she had a lot in common. Though while she had been saved by her dad, Natasha hadn't been so lucky. They had been each other's therapist more than once. Nat let her know that both her dads had made it safely. She was one of a handful of people that had known the truth. She also told her that Banner had been brought in.

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