You are now home schooled, your mother didn't like the idea of other people picking on you because of your vision.
"Are you blind?" they'd ask.
"Does that mean I can get away with picking on her?" they'd conclude.
You like how quiet it is... but it's so lonely.
"I should probably convince my mother to send me back, it's been nine years." you spoke.
You called out to her, wondering if she'll come upstairs. She was lying in your bed fast asleep.
You continued to class her. She tussle and turned in your bed, forcing her eyes to open. "Yes (y/n)?" she whispered faintly, loud noises often startle you.
"Would you consider sending me to normal school?" you asked.
"I'm not sure about that... your a teen, it'll get harder." she answered.
"Yeah but... I feel so lonely here. I have no friends--"
"Your previous friend slapped you across the face, the other made you blind."
You kept silent remembering Niko. You forgave him and all, but your mother resents him. She can't protect you from him, she hasn't seen him in years, how would he look like?
"How about I get you a tutor?" she suggested. "That way you have someone to talk too, and won't be lonely."
"That would be great!" you cheered.
"I'll start searching for one. Just wait okay." she said and left the room.
It's been a week since your mother decides to get you a tutor, someone your age or around it at least around it.
She finally found one. His name was Grey, no last name.
“No last name? Are you fine with that?” you asked. “Doesn't that strike you as off?”
“I don't think it's a problem..” your mother answered.
“What if you want to do a background check on him.”
“Do you want this tutor or not?” she asked getting annoyed.
“I'm just asking for my safety...” you mumbled.
“When will they be here?” you asked you mother.
“In five minutes. Can't you hear me rearranging things?” she asked frustrated.
“Because the background check thing got to me.”
You chuckled as your mother gave you an annoyed stare. The doorbell rang. It wasn't even up to a minute yet.
“I'll get it!” you yelled.
As you stood up and felt your surrounding making sure you wouldn’t fall on anything, because your mother leaves a lot of stuff on the ground.
You made it to the door, searching for the door knob the doorbell rang again. “Just wait a moment.” you instructed.
“Oh! Sorry...” he said. His voice was nice, calming and soothing. You grabbed onto the door knob and pulled it open. “You must be (y/n).” you could tell he was smiling by the way he said it.
“Yes I am. Your Grey right?”
“What?” he asked confused.
“Your name… it's Grey… isn't it?”
“Oh yeah! Sorry… I didn't hear you the first time.”
“I'll speak louder next time. Please come in.” you moved out of the way letting him walk. He made it quick and seated on the couch.
"Is your mother still home?" he asked you. You shook your head no answering him. You couldn't tell but he was smiling.
"She's upstairs." you answered. "How come?"
He began to sweat, "I just wanted to know so we wouldn't have any distractions."
"I see." you said before sitting down.
He began to teach you math, it was troublesome since you know all of it, he just had different strategies. You wondered how he make it so easy to teach you, being blind and all. It's as if he's done it before.
"Why are you so good at this?" you asked.
"You mean math, it's pretty--"
"No, I mean with teaching me. As a blind person." you interupted.
Silence filled the room. It was as if he was searching for a possible, believable answer. "Just because your blind doesn't mean you can't learn like everyone else. Like if you have a disability too."
"Your right." you said and smiled.
He continued to teach you. You both broke out into a random conversation about your child hoods.
It was nice to tell someone why your blind and all, why you can't go to school and learn too.
"His name was Niko, he was really nice..." You paused. "He was also in love with me too." you blushed.
Grey blushed too. "Did you have feeling for him?"
"No. Not that I know of. He was a really great friend."
Your mother walked down. "The tutoring session is over. Please leave Grey."
You heard him stand up and leave. Hearing the door open and close to, it sounded like a slam you make when you're mad. Is he mad? Did I anger him? you thought.
Blinded Love (Yanderes x Blind!Reader)
RandomDo I Have To See You To Love You? Unedited